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Android APIs
Added in API level 5
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


String AUTO_ADD Any newly created contacts will automatically be added to groups that have this flag set to true.
String DATA_SET The data set within the account that this group belongs to.
String DELETED The "deleted" flag: "0" by default, "1" if the row has been marked for deletion.
String FAVORITES When a contacts is marked as a favorites it will be automatically added to the groups that have this flag set, and when it is removed from favorites it will be removed from these groups.
String GROUP_IS_READ_ONLY The "read-only" flag: "0" by default, "1" if the row cannot be modified or deleted except by a sync adapter.
String GROUP_VISIBLE Flag indicating if the contacts belonging to this group should be visible in any user interface.
String NOTES Notes about the group.
String SHOULD_SYNC Whether this group should be synced if the SYNC_EVERYTHING settings is false for this group's account.
String SUMMARY_COUNT The total number of Contacts that have ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership in this group.
String SUMMARY_WITH_PHONES The total number of Contacts that have both ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership in this group, and also have phone numbers.
String SYSTEM_ID The ID of this group if it is a System Group, i.e.
String TITLE The display title of this group.


public static final String AUTO_ADD

Added in API level 11

Any newly created contacts will automatically be added to groups that have this flag set to true.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "auto_add"

public static final String DATA_SET

Added in API level 14

The data set within the account that this group belongs to. This allows multiple sync adapters for the same account type to distinguish between each others' group data. This is empty by default, and is completely optional. It only needs to be populated if multiple sync adapters are entering distinct group data for the same account type and account name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "data_set"

public static final String DELETED

Added in API level 5

The "deleted" flag: "0" by default, "1" if the row has been marked for deletion. When delete(Uri, String, String[]) is called on a group, it is marked for deletion. The sync adaptor deletes the group on the server and then calls ContactResolver.delete once more, this time setting the the CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER query parameter to finalize the data removal.


Constant Value: "deleted"

public static final String FAVORITES

Added in API level 11

When a contacts is marked as a favorites it will be automatically added to the groups that have this flag set, and when it is removed from favorites it will be removed from these groups.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "favorites"

public static final String GROUP_IS_READ_ONLY

Added in API level 11

The "read-only" flag: "0" by default, "1" if the row cannot be modified or deleted except by a sync adapter. See CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER.


Constant Value: "group_is_read_only"

public static final String GROUP_VISIBLE

Added in API level 5

Flag indicating if the contacts belonging to this group should be visible in any user interface.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "group_visible"

public static final String NOTES

Added in API level 5

Notes about the group.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "notes"

public static final String SHOULD_SYNC

Added in API level 5

Whether this group should be synced if the SYNC_EVERYTHING settings is false for this group's account.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "should_sync"

public static final String SUMMARY_COUNT

Added in API level 5

The total number of Contacts that have ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership in this group. Read-only value that is only present when querying CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI.


Constant Value: "summ_count"

public static final String SUMMARY_WITH_PHONES

Added in API level 5

The total number of Contacts that have both ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership in this group, and also have phone numbers. Read-only value that is only present when querying CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI.


Constant Value: "summ_phones"

public static final String SYSTEM_ID

Added in API level 5

The ID of this group if it is a System Group, i.e. a group that has a special meaning to the sync adapter, null otherwise.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "system_id"

public static final String TITLE

Added in API level 5

The display title of this group.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "title"