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Android APIs
Added in API level 11
Deprecated since API level 16
public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ android.renderscript.Mesh.Primitive

This enum was deprecated in API level 16.
in API 16 Describes the way mesh vertex data is interpreted when rendering


Enum Values
Mesh.Primitive  LINE  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertex pairs will be rendered as lines  
Mesh.Primitive  LINE_STRIP  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertex data will be rendered as a connected line strip  
Mesh.Primitive  POINT  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertex data will be rendered as a series of points  
Mesh.Primitive  TRIANGLE  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as individual triangles  
Mesh.Primitive  TRIANGLE_FAN  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as a sequence of triangles that all share first vertex as the origin  
Mesh.Primitive  TRIANGLE_STRIP  This field was deprecated in API level . in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as a connected triangle strip defined by the first three vertices with each additional triangle defined by a new vertex  
Public Methods
static Mesh.Primitive valueOf(String name)
final static Primitive[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final Mesh.Primitive LINE

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertex pairs will be rendered as lines

public static final Mesh.Primitive LINE_STRIP

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertex data will be rendered as a connected line strip

public static final Mesh.Primitive POINT

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertex data will be rendered as a series of points

public static final Mesh.Primitive TRIANGLE

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as individual triangles

public static final Mesh.Primitive TRIANGLE_FAN

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as a sequence of triangles that all share first vertex as the origin

public static final Mesh.Primitive TRIANGLE_STRIP

This field was deprecated in API level .
in API 16 Vertices will be rendered as a connected triangle strip defined by the first three vertices with each additional triangle defined by a new vertex

Public Methods

public static Mesh.Primitive valueOf (String name)

Added in API level 11

public static final Primitive[] values ()

Added in API level 11