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Android APIs
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

This class is used to encode a string using the format required by application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME content type.

All characters except letters ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z') and numbers ('0'..'9') and characters '.', '-', '*', '_' are converted into their hexadecimal value prepended by '%'. For example: '#' -> %23. In addition, spaces are substituted by '+'.


Public Methods
static String encode(String s, String charsetName)
Encodes s using the Charset named by charsetName.
static String encode(String s)
This method was deprecated in API level 1. use encode(String, String) instead.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static String encode (String s, String charsetName)

Added in API level 1

Encodes s using the Charset named by charsetName.

public static String encode (String s)

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level 1.
use encode(String, String) instead.

Equivalent to encode(s, "UTF-8").