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Android APIs
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

A Point on an Elliptic Curve in barycentric (or affine) coordinates.


public static final ECPoint POINT_INFINITY The point on an Elliptic Curve at infinity.
Public Constructors
ECPoint(BigInteger affineX, BigInteger affineY)
Creates a new point at the specified coordinates.
Public Methods
boolean equals(Object other)
Returns whether the specified object and this elliptic curve point are equal.
BigInteger getAffineX()
Returns the x-coordinate.
BigInteger getAffineY()
Returns the y-coordinate.
int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of this elliptic curve point.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final ECPoint POINT_INFINITY

Added in API level 1

The point on an Elliptic Curve at infinity.

Public Constructors

public ECPoint (BigInteger affineX, BigInteger affineY)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new point at the specified coordinates.

affineX the x-coordinate.
affineY the y-coordinate.

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

Added in API level 1

Returns whether the specified object and this elliptic curve point are equal.

other the object to compare.
  • true if the specified object and this elliptic curve point are equal, otherwise false.

public BigInteger getAffineX ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the x-coordinate.

  • the x-coordinate, or null for the infinite point.

public BigInteger getAffineY ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the y-coordinate.

  • the y-coordinate, or null fot the infinite point.

public int hashCode ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the hashcode of this elliptic curve point.

  • the hashcode of this elliptic curve point.