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Android APIs
public class


extends Date
   ↳ java.util.Date
     ↳ java.sql.Date

Class Overview

A class which can consume and produce dates in SQL Date format.

Dates are represented in SQL as yyyy-MM-dd. Note that this date format only deals with year, month and day values. There are no values for hours, minutes, seconds.

This is unlike the familiar java.util.Date object, which also includes values for hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

Time points are handled as millisecond values - milliseconds since the Epoch, January 1st 1970, 00:00:00.000 GMT. Time values passed to the java.sql.Date class are "normalized" to the time 00:00:00.000 GMT on the date implied by the time value.


Public Constructors
Date(int theYear, int theMonth, int theDay)
This constructor was deprecated in API level 1. Use the constructor Date(long).
Date(long theDate)
Creates a date which corresponds to the day determined by the supplied milliseconds time value theDate.
Public Methods
int getHours()
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have an hours component.
int getMinutes()
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a minutes component.
int getSeconds()
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a seconds component.
void setHours(int theHours)
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have an hours component.
void setMinutes(int theMinutes)
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a minutes component.
void setSeconds(int theSeconds)
This method was deprecated in API level . This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a seconds component.
void setTime(long theTime)
Sets this date to a date supplied as a milliseconds value.
String toString()
Produces a string representation of the date in SQL format
static Date valueOf(String dateString)
Creates a Date from a string representation of a date in SQL format.
Inherited Methods
From class java.util.Date
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Public Constructors

public Date (int theYear, int theMonth, int theDay)

Added in API level 1

This constructor was deprecated in API level 1.
Use the constructor Date(long).

Constructs a Date object corresponding to the supplied year, month and day.

theYear the year, specified as the year minus 1900. Must be in the range [0,8099].
theMonth the month, specified as a number with 0 = January. Must be in the range [0,11].
theDay the day in the month. Must be in the range [1,31].

public Date (long theDate)

Added in API level 1

Creates a date which corresponds to the day determined by the supplied milliseconds time value theDate.

theDate a time value in milliseconds since the epoch - January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT. The time value (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) stored in the Date object is adjusted to correspond to 00:00:00 GMT on the day determined by the supplied time value.

Public Methods

public int getHours ()

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have an hours component.

Returns the gregorian calendar hour of the day for this Date object.

  • does not return anything.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public int getMinutes ()

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a minutes component.

Returns the gregorian calendar minute of the hour for this Date object.

  • does not return anything.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public int getSeconds ()

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a seconds component.

Returns the gregorian calendar second of the minute for this Date object.

  • does not return anything.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public void setHours (int theHours)

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have an hours component.

Sets the gregorian calendar hour of the day for this Date object.

theHours the number of hours to set.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public void setMinutes (int theMinutes)

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a minutes component.

Sets the gregorian calendar minute of the hour for this Date object.

theMinutes the number of minutes to set.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public void setSeconds (int theSeconds)

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level .
This method is deprecated and must not be used. SQL Date values do not have a seconds component.

Sets the gregorian calendar second of the minute for this Date object.

theSeconds the number of seconds to set.
IllegalArgumentException if this method is called.

public void setTime (long theTime)

Added in API level 1

Sets this date to a date supplied as a milliseconds value. The date is set based on the supplied time value and rounded to zero GMT for that day.

theTime the time in milliseconds since the Epoch.

public String toString ()

Added in API level 1

Produces a string representation of the date in SQL format

  • a string representation of the date in SQL format - "yyyy-MM-dd".

public static Date valueOf (String dateString)

Added in API level 1

Creates a Date from a string representation of a date in SQL format.

dateString the string representation of a date in SQL format - " yyyy-MM-dd".
  • the Date object.
IllegalArgumentException if the format of the supplied string does not match the SQL format.