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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object
   ↳ java.text.Normalizer

Class Overview

Provides normalization functions according to Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms. Normalization can decompose and compose characters for equivalency checking.


Nested Classes
enum Normalizer.Form The normalization forms supported by the Normalizer. 
Public Methods
static boolean isNormalized(CharSequence src, Normalizer.Form form)
Check whether the given character sequence src is normalized according to the normalization method form.
static String normalize(CharSequence src, Normalizer.Form form)
Normalize the character sequence src according to the normalization method form.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static boolean isNormalized (CharSequence src, Normalizer.Form form)

Added in API level 9

Check whether the given character sequence src is normalized according to the normalization method form.

src character sequence to check
form normalization form to check against
  • true if normalized according to form

public static String normalize (CharSequence src, Normalizer.Form form)

Added in API level 9

Normalize the character sequence src according to the normalization method form.

src character sequence to read for normalization
form normalization form
  • string normalized according to form