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Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory

Class Overview

Defines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents.


Protected Constructors

Protected constructor to force use of newInstance().

Public Methods
abstract boolean getFeature(String name)

Returns the particular property requested for in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.

Schema getSchema()
Gets the Schema object specified through the setSchema(Schema) method.
boolean isNamespaceAware()
Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers which are namespace aware.
boolean isValidating()
Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers which validate the XML content during parse.
boolean isXIncludeAware()

Get state of XInclude processing.

static SAXParserFactory newInstance(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Returns an instance of the named implementation of SAXParserFactory.
static SAXParserFactory newInstance()
Returns Android's implementation of SAXParserFactory.
abstract SAXParser newSAXParser()

Creates a new instance of a SAXParser using the currently configured factory parameters.

abstract void setFeature(String name, boolean value)

Sets the particular feature in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.

void setNamespaceAware(boolean awareness)
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will provide support for XML namespaces.
void setSchema(Schema schema)

Set the Schema to be used by parsers created from this factory.

void setValidating(boolean validating)
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will validate documents as they are parsed.
void setXIncludeAware(boolean state)

Set state of XInclude processing.

Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Protected Constructors

protected SAXParserFactory ()

Added in API level 1

Protected constructor to force use of newInstance().

Public Methods

public abstract boolean getFeature (String name)

Added in API level 1

Returns the particular property requested for in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.

name The name of the property to be retrieved.
  • Value of the requested property.
ParserConfigurationException if a parser cannot be created which satisfies the requested configuration.
SAXNotRecognizedException When the underlying XMLReader does not recognize the property name.
SAXNotSupportedException When the underlying XMLReader recognizes the property name but doesn't support the property.

public Schema getSchema ()

Added in API level 8

Gets the Schema object specified through the setSchema(Schema) method.

UnsupportedOperationException For backward compatibility, when implementations for earlier versions of JAXP is used, this exception will be thrown.

public boolean isNamespaceAware ()

Added in API level 1

Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers which are namespace aware.

  • true if the factory is configured to produce parsers which are namespace aware; false otherwise.

public boolean isValidating ()

Added in API level 1

Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers which validate the XML content during parse.

  • true if the factory is configured to produce parsers which validate the XML content during parse; false otherwise.

public boolean isXIncludeAware ()

Added in API level 1

Get state of XInclude processing.

  • current state of XInclude processing
UnsupportedOperationException For backward compatibility, when implementations for earlier versions of JAXP is used, this exception will be thrown.

public static SAXParserFactory newInstance (String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)

Added in API level 9

Returns an instance of the named implementation of SAXParserFactory.

FactoryConfigurationError if factoryClassName is not available or cannot be instantiated.

public static SAXParserFactory newInstance ()

Added in API level 1

Returns Android's implementation of SAXParserFactory. Unlike other Java implementations, this method does not consult system properties, property files, or the services API.

  • a new SAXParserFactory.
FactoryConfigurationError never. Included for API compatibility with other Java implementations.

public abstract SAXParser newSAXParser ()

Added in API level 1

Creates a new instance of a SAXParser using the currently configured factory parameters.

  • A new instance of a SAXParser.
ParserConfigurationException if a parser cannot be created which satisfies the requested configuration.
SAXException for SAX errors.

public abstract void setFeature (String name, boolean value)

Added in API level 1

Sets the particular feature in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader. A list of the core features and properties can be found at

All implementations are required to support the FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING feature. When the feature is

  • true: the implementation will limit XML processing to conform to implementation limits. Examples include entity expansion limits and XML Schema constructs that would consume large amounts of resources. If XML processing is limited for security reasons, it will be reported via a call to the registered fatalError(SAXParseException). See SAXParser parse methods for handler specification.
  • When the feature is false, the implementation will processing XML according to the XML specifications without regard to possible implementation limits.

name The name of the feature to be set.
value The value of the feature to be set.
ParserConfigurationException if a parser cannot be created which satisfies the requested configuration.
SAXNotRecognizedException When the underlying XMLReader does not recognize the property name.
SAXNotSupportedException When the underlying XMLReader recognizes the property name but doesn't support the property.
NullPointerException If the name parameter is null.

public void setNamespaceAware (boolean awareness)

Added in API level 1

Specifies that the parser produced by this code will provide support for XML namespaces. By default the value of this is set to false.

awareness true if the parser produced by this code will provide support for XML namespaces; false otherwise.

public void setSchema (Schema schema)

Added in API level 8

Set the Schema to be used by parsers created from this factory.

When a Schema is non-null, a parser will use a validator created from it to validate documents before it passes information down to the application.

When warnings/errors/fatal errors are found by the validator, the parser must handle them as if those errors were found by the parser itself. In other words, if the user-specified ErrorHandler is set, it must receive those errors, and if not, they must be treated according to the implementation specific default error handling rules.

A validator may modify the SAX event stream (for example by adding default values that were missing in documents), and a parser is responsible to make sure that the application will receive those modified event stream.

Initially, null is set as the Schema.

This processing will take effect even if the isValidating() method returns false.

It is an error to use the property and/or the property in conjunction with a non-null Schema object. Such configuration will cause a SAXException exception when those properties are set on a SAXParser.

Note for implementors

A parser must be able to work with any Schema implementation. However, parsers and schemas are allowed to use implementation-specific custom mechanisms as long as they yield the result described in the specification.

schema Schema to use, null to remove a schema.
UnsupportedOperationException For backward compatibility, when implementations for earlier versions of JAXP is used, this exception will be thrown.

public void setValidating (boolean validating)

Added in API level 1

Specifies that the parser produced by this code will validate documents as they are parsed. By default the value of this is set to false.

Note that "the validation" here means a validating parser as defined in the XML recommendation. In other words, it essentially just controls the DTD validation. (except the legacy two properties defined in JAXP 1.2. See here for more details.)

To use modern schema languages such as W3C XML Schema or RELAX NG instead of DTD, you can configure your parser to be a non-validating parser by leaving the setValidating(boolean) method false, then use the setSchema(Schema) method to associate a schema to a parser.

validating true if the parser produced by this code will validate documents as they are parsed; false otherwise.

public void setXIncludeAware (boolean state)

Added in API level 1

Set state of XInclude processing.

If XInclude markup is found in the document instance, should it be processed as specified in XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0.

XInclude processing defaults to false.

state Set XInclude processing to true or false
UnsupportedOperationException For backward compatibility, when implementations for earlier versions of JAXP is used, this exception will be thrown.