org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer |
Define an interface to serialization of XML Infoset. This interface abstracts away if serialized XML is XML 1.0 compatible text or other formats of XML 1.0 serializations (such as binary XML for example with WBXML).
PLEASE NOTE: This interface will be part of XmlPull 1.2 API. It is included as basis for discussion. It may change in any way.
Exceptions that may be thrown are: IOException or runtime exception (more runtime exceptions can be thrown but are not declared and as such have no semantics defined for this interface):
NOTE: writing CDSECT, ENTITY_REF, IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, COMMENT, and DOCDECL in some implementations may not be supported (for example when serializing to WBXML). In such case IllegalStateException will be thrown and it is recommended to use an optional feature to signal that implementation is not supporting this kind of output.
Public Methods | |||||||||||
Write an attribute.
| |||||||||||
Finish writing.
| |||||||||||
Write end tag.
| |||||||||||
Write all pending output to the stream.
| |||||||||||
Returns the current depth of the element.
| |||||||||||
Return the current value of the feature with given name.
| |||||||||||
Returns the name of the current element as set by startTag().
| |||||||||||
Returns the namespace URI of the current element as set by startTag().
| |||||||||||
Return namespace that corresponds to given prefix
If there is no prefix bound to this namespace return null
but if generatePrefix is false then return generated prefix.
| |||||||||||
Look up the value of a property.
| |||||||||||
Set feature identified by name (recommended to be URI for uniqueness).
| |||||||||||
Set the output to the given writer.
| |||||||||||
Set to use binary output stream with given encoding.
| |||||||||||
Binds the given prefix to the given namespace.
| |||||||||||
Set the value of a property.
| |||||||||||
Write <?xml declaration with encoding (if encoding not null)
and standalone flag (if standalone not null)
This method can only be called just after setOutput.
| |||||||||||
Writes a start tag with the given namespace and name.
| |||||||||||
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically
| |||||||||||
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically
Write an attribute. Calls to attribute() MUST follow a call to startTag() immediately. If there is no prefix defined for the given namespace, a prefix will be defined automatically. If namespace is null or empty string no namespace prefix is printed but just name.
Finish writing. All unclosed start tags will be closed and output will be flushed. After calling this method no more output can be serialized until next call to setOutput()
Write end tag. Repetition of namespace and name is just for avoiding errors.
Background: in kXML endTag had no arguments, and non matching tags were very difficult to find... If namespace is null no namespace prefix is printed but just name. If namespace is empty string then serializer will make sure that default empty namespace is declared (in XML 1.0 xmlns='').
Write all pending output to the stream. If method startTag() or attribute() was called then start tag is closed (final >) before flush() is called on underlying output stream.
NOTE: if there is need to close start tag (so no more attribute() calls are allowed) but without flushing output call method text() with empty string (text("")).
IOException |
Returns the current depth of the element. Outside the root element, the depth is 0. The depth is incremented by 1 when startTag() is called. The depth is decremented after the call to endTag() event was observed.
<!-- outside --> 0
<root> 1
sometext 1
<foobar> 2
</foobar> 2
</root> 1
<!-- outside --> 0
Return the current value of the feature with given name.
NOTE: unknown properties are always returned as null
name | The name of feature to be retrieved. |
IllegalArgumentException | if feature string is null |
Returns the name of the current element as set by startTag(). It can only be null before first call to startTag() or when last endTag() is called to close first startTag().
Returns the namespace URI of the current element as set by startTag().
NOTE: that means in particular that:
Return namespace that corresponds to given prefix If there is no prefix bound to this namespace return null but if generatePrefix is false then return generated prefix.
NOTE: if the prefix is empty string "" and default namespace is bound to this prefix then empty string ("") is returned.
NOTE: prefixes "xml" and "xmlns" are already bound will have values as defined Namespaces in XML specification
IllegalArgumentException |
Look up the value of a property. The property name is any fully-qualified URI. I
NOTE: unknown properties are
name | The name of property to be retrieved. |
Set feature identified by name (recommended to be URI for uniqueness). Some well known optional features are defined in If feature is not recognized or can not be set then IllegalStateException MUST be thrown.
IllegalStateException | If the feature is not supported or can not be set |
IllegalArgumentException |
Set the output to the given writer.
WARNING no information about encoding is available!
Set to use binary output stream with given encoding.
Binds the given prefix to the given namespace.
This call is valid for the next element including child elements.
The prefix and namespace MUST be always declared even if prefix
is not used in element (startTag() or attribute()) - for XML 1.0
it must result in declaring xmlns:prefix='namespace'
(or xmlns:prefix="namespace"
depending what character is used
to quote attribute value).
NOTE: this method MUST be called directly before startTag() and if anything but startTag() or setPrefix() is called next there will be exception.
NOTE: prefixes "xml" and "xmlns" are already bound and can not be redefined see: Namespaces in XML Errata.
NOTE: to set default namespace use as prefix empty string.
prefix | must be not null (or IllegalArgumentException is thrown) |
namespace | must be not null |
Set the value of a property. (the property name is recommended to be URI for uniqueness). Some well known optional properties are defined in If property is not recognized or can not be set then IllegalStateException MUST be thrown.
IllegalStateException | if the property is not supported or can not be set |
IllegalArgumentException |
Write <?xml declaration with encoding (if encoding not null) and standalone flag (if standalone not null) This method can only be called just after setOutput.
Writes a start tag with the given namespace and name. If there is no prefix defined for the given namespace, a prefix will be defined automatically. The explicit prefixes for namespaces can be established by calling setPrefix() immediately before this method. If namespace is null no namespace prefix is printed but just name. If namespace is empty string then serializer will make sure that default empty namespace is declared (in XML 1.0 xmlns='') or throw IllegalStateException if default namespace is already bound to non-empty string.
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically
Writes text, where special XML chars are escaped automatically