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Clone a Journal Voucher

When you clone a journal voucher, you duplicate information on an existing posted journal voucher so that you can create a new one without having to enter all the fields. You have the option to keep or change the existing field values. You can also delete line items. After completing the fields, park or complete the journal voucher. The new journal voucher is assigned a new document number.

Note: When reversing an FY document from a previous fiscal year and period, reset the new document to the current fiscal year and period, and change the document type to SA.

Document Header Fields

Company Code: Select the company code.
*Document Date: Either the receipt date from the source document or today's date (mmddyy). For FY documents, enter 06/30/yy (yy = fiscal year that just closed).
Posting Date: Defaults to today's date for creating journal vouchers. For FY documents, enter 06/30/yy (yy = fiscal year that just closed). When you change a journal voucher, the field displays the date the JV was posted.
Reference: Text for your reference. When correcting a JV, it is useful to include the document number of the JV you are correcting. Note: This data is included in the search results when searching for parked journal vouchers and in the first part of the Description field on the Detail Transaction Report.
Header Text:
(Display only)
This text cannot be modified. "CL" indicates clone, followed by the document number of the original JV.
*Sending Backup: Indicates whether documentation for the JV is required. If you have backup documentation, send it to:
JV Backup
c/o Mary Nicholson
(Be sure to include the SAP document number for the journal voucher. This number is assigned when you park or complete the journal voucher.)
Document Type: SA - for a current journal voucher created during fiscal periods 1-12.
FY - for a closing journal voucher created during fiscal periods 13-16.
Document Number:
(display only)
Automatically generated after you park or complete the JV.
Posting Period: The fiscal period corresponding to the document and posting dates.
Fiscal Year: The year you want to post the JV to.

Line Item Fields

Selection box: (The checkbox to the left of each line item.) Click the selection box next to each line item you want to delete; then click the Delete Selected Items button above the checkboxes. Note: Select only those line items that you want to delete; otherwise leave the selection boxes unchecked.
#: Displays the line item number. This is useful when you use the previous and next tabs.
G/L account: G/L account assigned to the line item. You can search for the G/L account number by clicking on the Search button to the right. See Related Topics for performing a search.
Cost Object:  Cost center, internal order, or WBS element.
Object type:
(display only) 
Type of cost object type.
Line item text: A brief description of the journal voucher for this line item. This text will appear on the Detail Transaction Report.
Transaction Date: Date of the original transaction if the cost object has closed since the transaction occurred. Otherwise, leave blank.
Debit Amount: Amount you want to debit this cost object.
Credit Amount: Amount you want to credit this cost object.
Page Total: Displays total debits and credits after you click the Check button, the list tabs, or when you try unsuccessfully to park or complete the journal voucher. Note: Make sure that the debit and credit amounts balance to zero before completing the journal voucher.
# of line items: Displays the total number of line items after you click the Check button, the list tabs, or when you try unsuccessfully to park or complete the journal voucher.

Explanatory Text

*Explanation: Provide an explanation for the journal voucher, up to 20 lines of text.

*Required fields

Park or Complete the JV

(optional) Before you park or complete the JV, click the Check button to verify G/L accounts and cost objects, calculate debits and credits, and total the line items and debits and credits.

Click the Park button to save the JV, but not complete it
Click the Complete button to send the JV through workflow.

Click Return to List to go back to the "Search Results" page.

JV Buttons

Check Verifies the G/L accounts and cost objects, calculates the debit and credit totals, and counts the number of line items in the journal voucher.
Park Saves the journal voucher, but does not complete it. Later you can open the parked journal voucher and change it before completing it. The journal voucher is assigned an SAP document number, displayed at the top of the screen. Record this number for future reference.
Complete Sends the journal voucher through workflow. It may be posted or sent to CAO for review and posting. If additional required information is needed, you will be prompted to supply it. A journal voucher not previously parked is assigned an SAP document number, displayed at the top of the screen. Record this number for future reference. Note: If you want to be notified by email whenever your journal vouchers are approved or rejected, you can subscribe to Email Notification.
Delete Selected Items Deletes line items from the journal voucher. Click the selection box for each line item you want to delete, then click the Delete Selected Items button above the checkboxes.

Related Topics:
Perform a Search

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