Master Aleksandr Ruslanovich :
I am likely to give up my position as head of the Storyteller's Guild,
as I do not feel the baron should appear to have a bias towards one of
the groups in the barony.
Last, I would likely step down my activities within i Sebastiani.
Currently I manage the troupe, direct many of the performances, as well
as acting. It would be unfair to both i Sebastiani and the barony if I
were to try and fulfill both roles.
Like Morwenna, I can easily see myself attending many practices or guild
meetings that I might not were I not baron. I feel it is one of the
major responsibilities of the office to know the thoughts of the
populace and to be accessible to them.
Lady Morwenna Westerne :
As baroness, I will participate in some activities that I, as a private
citizen, would not, because it is important for me to know the populace.
One way of doing that is to attend meetings of guilds, boroughs, etc.
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
Master Justin du Coeur :
As for changing my participation in other Baronial activities, I expect
there to be some mild shifting of priorities, but not terribly dramatic
ones. I'm already something of a dilletante, visiting various guilds and
such as they strike my fancy; I believe that's a strength in a B/B, who
need to know the Barony as broadly as possible. I'd probably step that
up a little, but I don't think it needs to get too extreme.
(The one specific change I'd make is getting back into armor, which
would require some time and focus. I haven't fought in, oh, more years
than I care to contemplate, but I feel that it's symbolically important
for the Baron to be able to take the field with the troops.)
Beyond that task of getting out and visiting the various subgroups that
make up the great Venn Diagram that is Carolingia, I don't think the job
requires all that much *time* specifically; this isn't like being
Royalty, with the various timesinks that entails. There are some other
tasks involved, such as external relations with the Royals and the other
Baronies, but those tend to happen at events on an as-needed basis.
As for my other jobs within the Society, I don't expect things to change
dramatically. Being active on the list is, frankly,
recreational for me -- I'm only one of several people there, so I can
answer questions as I have time, and I enjoy doing it. Running the Rolls
Ethereal takes virtually no day-to-day effort, since it's largely
automated. The Low Company would be an interesting question: if someone
wanted to take it on actively, I'd probably let them have it, and
otherwise continue to play and teach as I have time.
Lady Godith Anyon :
Lady Emmanuelle de Chenonceaux :
Master Seamus Donn :
My criteria for participation will change from what I want to do to what the Barony needs me to do. I'm more likely to go to a wider range of activities, than just the few that
compose my primary interests.
Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch :
Lord Kali Harlansson of Gotland :
Gwendolyn and I each have families, and therefore have certain outside
commitments that are irreducible. On the other hand they are two separate
families, and separate commitments, and the hope is that this will give us a
little extra flexibility to help us meet the Coronet's demands on our
Seigneur Jehan du Lac :
I would probably have to give up keeping a tavern. However, it is
impossible for me to stay out of the hospitality business, and I would
fill that void in my life by trying to keep the estate proper to the
lord of a great household of my time period, which includes providing
hospitality. This means that at most events I attended I would set up a
corner where people could expect to find a cold drink, a place to sit,
and perhaps a nibble. And of course, there would be musicians; what is
court, however provincial, without musicians? :). At outdoor events, a
nice fly would do, at indoor events, a few oriental rugs, a table,
perhaps one of those "indoor tents" I saw a nice pattern for...
I would have to give up more weekends. A baron/ess must attend all
baronial events, all kingdom events if humanly possible (not necessarily
driving to Canada in a blizzard, for example), major events held by our
neighbors when possible, and Pennsic. Luckily, although I am a singleton
(no co-baron/ess), I do have a fabulous support system at home (who is a
very long-term SCAdian) and can bring formidable forces to bear in
meeting these obligations.
I guess I wouldn't be able to serve myself at table. But it wouldn't
stop me from serving the King & Queen.
Master John McGuire :
Affect Other Activities:
Shi Hua Fu and Lady Yelizaveta Medvedeva :
I will need to give up my role as principal of the Order of the Moon,
because decisions on inductions are made by the baron and baroness in
consultation with the principal. It will make our job harder to make
these decisions without the counsel of one of the principals.
My major time commitment is commedia, which I would certainly cut back
if not stop all together.
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As I said elsewhere - but which responses I don't think have been
published - I would give up the office of Principal of the Daystar, and
ask the order to select another. I would give up the office of Central
Region Seneschal as well, in favor of my emergency deputy or another
appointed by the Kingdom Seneschal. The latter is a stress magnet - and
I couldn't do that and be baroness and do either one well.
I would expect that I would irregularly attend more activities,
including watching martial practices, for example, which I don't do now.
I don't expect to have to give up a huge amount. I'd have to stop being
active at quite such a high level in other organizations, but that's
largely already happened. I've already done a fair amount in other clubs
(Master of my Masonic Lodge, Chair of Intercon), and gradually come to
realize that the SCA is, in a very meaningful sense, my "home" -- I just
plain enjoy it more. So I've been slowly backing away from other
commitments for the past year, so I can concentrate more on the Society.
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Privacy and leisure time. I expect that we will become more involved
in Baronial activities, even in areas where we have not previously
been interested, so that we can keep a sense of the Barony as a whole.
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I will be increasing my involvement in Baronial activities. I suspect I will be taking up one of the martial arts in order to help defend our Barony, and
represent us at Pennsic. I had been considering increasing my involment anyhow, but I suspect some of my other hobbies are going to take a time hit- or I will get better at
organizing my time. Perhaps I will have to start using my beeswax notebook year round.
I do not expect to have to give up anything. As above, under distasteful aspects, I think that everyone from King to Peasant should be able to play the SCA and
still have a life. So it isn't so much that I would expect to give up anything, but rather ramp up my participation to the maximum my personal schedule allows to do it and still
have a life.
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I expect I will have to give up some of my outside SCA
activities, though not all. I think there is a certain
perspective gained by having activities outside of the
SCA that could be useful for the baronial coronet. I
will not be taking on any more special projects, such
as the ballet de cour and organizing the music for the
winter feste event, until I have an idea of what kind
of time (if any) I would have available. I anticipate
that my activity in the barony would cover a broader
base and be less intense in specific areas.
I expect to have to give up a lot of time, some of it "free" time (hah!) and
some of it time I currently spend participating in other activities
(commedia, other plays, Minuscule articles, teaching classes). While I would
have to cut back on these activities, I would not want to drop them
completely. Similarly, I do have other involvements outside the SCA; again,
while I probably would cut back on them, I would not cut them out.
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It would not be realistic to autocrat events (although mon sien
compagnon may do so). I do not expect my involvement in fencing or the
history seminars to change particularly.
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Give Up:
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Free time.
The ability to skip a local event.
I do not expect to have as much time for projects.
Increase attendance at order meetings...
I am more likely to participate in martial activites.
I expect I will be doing more regalia and Baronial based projects.
We expect mostly to reduce our commitments to non-SCA activities,
though we also expect to have less opportunity to work on SCA research
and other solitary personal pursuits. We would attempt to attend
every local event, which would require even more time-management for
handling personal affairs and errands. From her mundane business
experience, Yeliz actually works better under pressure and enjoys
multi-tasking. We would try to continue our current SCA activities,
but because other groups will also need our attention, as long as we
hold the position we expect to have to spread ourselves thinner in
areas where we've been devoting a lot of time now.
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