What do you feel the Barony does well? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
-- Doing Period Seriously. That doesn't mean the mythical
authenticity-police thing, but rather that, IMO, Carolingia does better
than anywhere else I know at following *my* guideline for authenticity:
"Everyone should be as period as they conveniently can". It leaves a lot
of room for interpretation, which is intentional -- I don't think there
is a single one-size-fits-all standard appropriate for the SCA, and
everyone has their own priorities. But I think most people here take the
idea of period seriously, and make a genuine effort. That's a real
strength, especially in the aggregate.
-- Experimentation. While Carolingia has a lot of traditions, we don't
have nearly as many sacred cows as many places do. When someone suggests
a new idea, the response tends to be, "Sure -- go for it". That helps
prevent us becoming boring, and I think keeps things far more lively.
And I'm quite proud of the number of ideas that started in Carolingia,
which have since become commonplace in the Society.
-- Mixing Energy with Experience. The combination of the Boroughs
(providing a constant influx of new enthusiasm) with a large pool of old
hands gives us a distinctive character, a sort of creative tension that
helps us produce more cool stuff than most places can manage. Many SCA
branches are basically the same people year after year, which can lead
to a certain staleness. Carolingia is many things, but stale is rarely
one of them.
A few high points come to mind off the top of my head:
Back to the top.
What do you feel the Barony needs to improve upon, and, as Baron, what steps would you take toward that improvement? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
There are always ways we can improve, but they are mostly matters of
tweaking, and generally require a measure of conscious vigilance. For
example, integrating new folks into the Barony is always a trick --
trying to help them understand the local culture without overwhelming or
intimidating them. I don't think we have a perfect formula for that (nor
do I expect we're going to find one), but it's something to continue
experimenting with, to see how to make things work better.
Mostly, I think it's all about tweaking details and experimenting. The
situation is always changing, and issues arise from time to time. For
example, I've been noticing lately a fair amount of subtle nervousness
around issues of religious tolerance, both in the Barony and in the
Society at large; that seems something that we need to pay some
attention to, to make sure it doesn't become An Issue. But that isn't a
matter of Big Changes; it's about paying attention, and constant tuning.
(And it should be borne in mind that the Baron and/or Baroness lead
mostly be example and suggestion -- they don't have much actual power,
so much as a bully pulpit for suasion. So their job is to keep an eye on
what's going on, listen to ideas for improvement, decide what makes
sense to them, and then try to influence things in a healthy
Truth to tell, I don't come into this with much of an agenda -- I
generally like the way things run, and I think Aquel and Johanna have
been doing a good job of steering and encouraging things.
Back to the top.
From time to time, people have felt that Carolingia had an image problem outside our borders. Do you think Carolingia currently has an image problem outside the barony? If so, do you have any particular ideas how you might remedy that? If not, what do you think is the Baron/ess' most important role, if any, in inter-baronial relations? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
In practice, the B/B's most important role here is the gentle give and
take of personal relations -- getting to know the other groups
(especially the neighboring ones) on a personal level, going to their
events, and generally being friends with them. There are occasionally
treaties to negotiate and such, but they're relatively few and far
between. Most of the work is in being comfortable enough with the other
Baronies to smooth matters when something of import *does* happen.
This is more Caitlin's area of experience than mine, I'll admit. She
plays quite heavily at the Kingdom level, and already knows many of
these folks pretty well. (The consequence of having been a Kingdom
officer for many years. As Regional Seneschal, she's been trying to
periodically visit the groups in the region anyway.) It would be a bit
more learning for me, but I figure that an excuse to get out to more
events is not a bad thing...
I don't think that Carolingia currently has an image problem outside the
barony. We have an *image* but not a problem. People in other groups
might see us as arts and sciences mavens -- but only some of them.
Others might not understand how we govern ourselves (the concept of
representational government, such as this Council vote, is foreign to
some other baronies' officers). But I think we've shed the snob image,
and the never-travel image, and most people elsewhere see us as
dedicated, and articulate, and devoted to our arts and skills.
The Baron/ess has two roles in inter-baronial relations. One is their
relationship with the ordinary citizens of other groups and other
kingdoms. The baron/ess owes all of them courtesy, and should strive to
be an example of why Carolingia is the best group in all the world. The
other role is that of relating as a peer with other baron/esses within
the kingdom, mingling socially, and perhaps making arrangements and
treaties for interbaronial events and/or tournaments (such as the hurley
matches against Settmour Swamp, or the Great Northeastern War).
Master Justin du Coeur :
At this point, I think our image is reasonably good. Certainly it's far
better than it was when I started, when we had real problems -- we were
basically perceived as isolationist snobs by a lot of folks. That got
dealt with a good ten years ago or more, mainly by encouraging folks to
get out more and be involved with the Kingdom as a whole. I think that
gentle encouragement wants to continue -- that sort of cross-pollination
is good for the Barony in more ways than simply our reputation -- but I
don't think it needs to address a particular problem any more.
Back to the top.
If you could change three things about Carolingia (or Carolingians as a whole) what would they be? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
Three things? Okay, a few random thoughts off the top of my head:
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For a long time in Carolingia, there was a very strong ethic of "everybody works, everybody pays". In the last 5 or so years, that has shifted, and it has become more socially acceptable for autocrats and head-cooks to decide to "comp" volunteers (e.g. feed the kitchen staff without requiring them to pay on-board). Do you have an opinion about this practice? Do you think it good, bad, in between, neither, both? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
That said, I don't think we need to be intransigent about this. There
are times when the volunteer time required is so high that a bit of
extra incentive is useful. And I'm a firm believer that the autocrat
*is* the autocrat. That word means something: the autocrat is in more or
less absolute control of their event, and have a lot of leeway when it
comes to how the fees work. I think this falls well within their
So to answer the question more directly: I think the trend is okay, so
long as it remains moderate. If it started to happen more commonly, I
might begin to get worried about it, because it would probably become a
serious problem if it really became the norm. (At the least, we'd have
to adjust a lot of other elements around it, and I suspect it would
become a serious bone of contention.) So I'd say that autocrats should
be able to use this mechanism if they feel it appropriate, but shouldn't
be too casual about it.
I wouldn't want to see it get out of hand -- the economics of the
Society are absolutely based on volunteer labor, and I honestly think
we'd collapse if that went away. The value of the volunteer time spent
on running the Barony is many times our total budget.
Back to the top.
As Baron/ess, you would become a bestower of awards. What do you feel about the SCA Award System, especially as it exists here in the East and in Carolingia? Do you have any criticisms of it, and if so how will that be reflected in how you deal with giving awards? Do you prefer to "err early" or "err late" in giving awards? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
We need to do two things about this. First, the orders need to
accelerate the decision process -- it should not take 14-18 months as it
can in some cases now. The orders should meet more often, and the poll
process be sped up.
Second, we need more ways to acknowledge people's contributions beyond
considering them for the Daystar, Moon, or Perseus. This can be
anything from tokens, to honorary titles or privileges, to attendants
for a day, to championships, public thanks....
In general, I prefer to err a little early, especially for the kind of
person I see growing in the role after the award has been given. The
right kind of person to give an award to early is the kind who will
continue to learn, to teach, to administer, to improve their martial
skill, to become more personally mature and wise. And this is the kind
of person most deserving of awards anyway.
That last point deserves some clarification. The system is reasonably
effective when it works well: if someone gets an award at just the right
time, it feels quite good. But if you get it early, it feels kind of
hollow, and if you get it late, it's easy to wind up a tad bitter about
I've been through both sides of this. My AoA was so late (after almost
six years of heavy involvement) that I went all the way through the
bitter phase and came out the other side with a bit of perspective. And
my Laurel was so early (only about three years after the AoA) that I've
always been slightly disappointed that I didn't really feel I deserved
it when it came. (Had it been a year or so later, I probably would have
been a lot happier about it.)
The result is that I do what I can do remove the focus from awards. When
someone new is starting out, if they seem to be somewhat "merit-badge"
focused, I try to encourage them to instead concentrate on doing what
they like, and let the awards come when they may. I tend to point out
the fact that the system is highly subjective, and there's a fair amount
of just-plain-luck in when they come. Basically, I try to impart some of
that perspective, to help fend off the bitter edge if an award comes
Now, all that said, much though I sometimes wish the SCA's award model
didn't exist, it's a fact of life, and one that isn't going to go away.
I therefore do what I can to hit awards "on the mark", when they seem to
really be due. I don't actually have a simple answer to erring early or
late; over time, I've gradually moved towards trying to understand the
person involved, and erring accordingly. If they're likely to get bitter
if the award is late, I'll tend to err early; if they're relatively
self-directed and self-critical, I'll tend to err a little late, so that
they appreciate it when it comes.
Now Carolingia is a somewhat special case, since we traditionally take
the idea of accepting people in by consensus of the Order much more
strongly than the Kingdom does. If I wound up Baron, I'd probably tend
towards the traditional model of how the awards work. We don't require a
unanimous vote of the order any more, but I think I'd shoot for it when
possible. (Actually, as I recall the original Charter, it didn't require
unanimity so much as disclosure -- if the vote wasn't unanimous, the
candidate had to be told quietly in advance, so they had the opportunity
to decline if they felt it would be an issue.)
When we rewrote the Charter to remove the requirement for unanimity, one
of the views expounded was that it's the B/B's responsibility, in the
face of a "no" vote, to talk to the person so voting and understand
their objection. If it's clearly a matter of simple personal bias, or
not understanding the candidate's works, or simply unreasonably high
standards, then it's appropriate to override the vote. But it's a
serious matter, and I think the B/B has a particular responsibility to
think carefully about it.
In general, the Order's opinion has a much stronger influence here than
in the Kingdom at large. The implication there is that the B/B has a
responsibility to *lead* the Orders, rather than just ruling them. The
King can simply listen to opinions and make up his own mind; the B/B
needs to encourage the Orders to give the awards at a level s/he feels
appropriate, since it's principally up to them.
I have some criticism of the award system in Carolingia. I think it
takes far too long to acknowledge really cool contributions to this
barony using our three polled orders. Lately, the orders have been
meeting roughly annually, and the process of polling an order takes a
month or two, so it's far too easy for superb arts, great martial
skill, or long service to slip aside and be forgotten or dismissed from
sheer elapsed time. Or for someone who was reviewed by an order as a
candidate to watch, or wait, to leave or drop out before ever receiving
earned honors.
Master Justin du Coeur :
I'm probably one of the most strident critics of the Society's award
system. It wasn't ever thought through; it just sort of grew. The result
is a system that has a few really serious flaws:
Back to the top.
In AS28, the Board of Directors passed a rule requiring membership for attending all SCA events. It was later repealled. How do you feel about this kind of "pay to play" rule? What do you feel membership in the SCA, Inc should be required for, if anything? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
Personally, I was and am one of the stronger opponents of pay-to-play;
while I wasn't quite at the center of the whirlwind the way Tibor was, I
spent most of that year in heated arguments with a whole lot of people
all over the Society about it. (Indeed, the Grand Council of the Society
was formed partly in response to a letter I wrote to the Board on the
I object to pay-to-play both on practical and philosophical grounds. I
could go on at *great* length on this subject, but I'll try to
First, and most importantly, it demonstrates a fundamental lack of
understanding of the true economics of the Society. Our most valuable
coin isn't the money that gets paid to the central SCA, Inc; rather,
it's the volunteer time that is required to run the Society. P2P
endangers that volunteer base, by reducing the number of people who can
perform a task, as well as the general base of the population. It takes
the attitude that serving the Society is a privilege that you have to
pay for, which is just silly -- we desperately *need* people doing this
stuff. Charging people money in order to help is, frankly, daft.
Further, none of the arguments in favor of P2P hold much water. It was
originally enacted in order to address a financial shortfall at the
Corporate level, which proved to be an entirely illusory effect of poor
bookkeeping. It is often invoked in the name of "fairness", but
essentially argues that we want people who pay money more than people
who volunteer their time, which as I said, misunderstands how the
Society actually works. It is usually argued that we need tons of
members because the Society is so expensive to run, but that's exactly
wrong: in fact, history has shown that the Society has very poor
economies of scale, and tends to become *more* expensive per person the
more members there are. (And the vast majority of that huge budget is
simply providing membership services such as TI.) The critical expenses
of the Society (mainly the insurance policy) don't cost anywhere near
enough to justify a policy as draconian as P2P was.
What should membership be required for? It's probably a good idea for
anyone who is strongly bound to the legal side of the SCA, Inc,
primarily the Seneschal and Treasurer. And I *recommend* membership for
anyone who is heavily active: besides contributing towards the few
critical expenses, it's a good way to stay in touch with things. But I
think there are very few people who it should be *required* of. I prefer
to leave it as a matter of individual conscience, with no particular
external pressure...
I oppose "Pay to Play." There are a very few offices for which I feel
it's appropriate to require membership: King and Queen, seneschal,
chancellor of the exchequer. But I strongly oppose both "pay to play"
and "pay to fight." One of the Society's strengths is that we welcome
people who want to dabble, and those who want to come and go. Pay to
play excludes people -- and some of the people it excludes are, or could
become, our greatest assets.
Master Justin du Coeur :
One of those Big Hot-Button issues. Hopefully we can avoid getting into
arguments over this.
Back to the top.
In your opinion, what is best thing about the Society? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
Of course, it's also the Society's great weakness -- that "broad tent"
approach means that the SCA has little hope of ever being truly period
as an aggregate. Little isolated bits of the SCA can be very authentic,
but the larger the scale you look at, the less likely it is to match
period models. That's because the Society is basically a gigantic
compromise among many differing interests.
But overall, I think it's what defines the SCA, and makes it different
both from a simple LARP club and from an academic forum. It combines
many different elements in a way that constantly provides new ideas, in
all directions...
The best thing about our Society is the enormous variety of skills and
arts that we learn.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Probably the creative tension inherent in its rather vague definition.
That is, the SCA brings together folks with a very broad array of
interests in period -- everything from folks who mostly know about
period from fantasy to hardcore scholars who focus mainly on one
particular topic. The cross-pollination of those attitudes winds up
teaching everyone stuff that they didn't know, and leads to a lot of
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What do you personally think constitutes "politics"? Are all "politics" evil? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
No, not all politics are evil; indeed, in a healthy and functioning
group (which I think we are), evil politics tend to be fairly uncommon.
Evil politics usually arise when a few things happen:
That's roughly the order that these things tend to take. It's why I
consider Great Council an important part of the health of Carolingia --
while it doesn't necessarily let everyone do what they want to do, it
*does* provide a common forum for communication, which tends to help.
It's also why I regard the heavy overlap between the many dozens of
interest groups in the Barony as vital: it makes it much more difficult
for things to break down into simple factions. So long as folks know
each other, and continue to talk reasonably, it's far less likely that
the atmosphere will get truly poisonous.
Definitely, not all politics are evil! Politics, good politics, is
talking things out in private, bringing your concerns to people who can
do something about them. Networking is politics. Politics is smoothing
the way for compromise. Politics is how we work things out.
Master Justin du Coeur :
"Politics" is basically the art of resolving differences between people.
It happens all the time, sometimes for strong reasons (genuine
differences of priorities), sometimes not (simple personal grudges).
It's a fact of life among humans.
Back to the top.
Favorite "Magic Moment"? (More than one if you can't choose. :) :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
Dancing with Baron Patri at my second or third event. I was swept off
my feet. :)
The knighting of Sir Ivan Ulrickson, in Malagentia, on the seacoast by
torchlight. Wow! Everyone was "in the moment", with no modern
distractions. The ceremony had great meaning to the watchers and the
participants. Very moving, very true.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Impossible to say, really, but my gut says the first sight of Pennsic at
night. Hundreds of campfires, with people doing an unimaginable number
of different activities around them. All camps are authentic in the
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What is the kindest thing you have ever seen in the Society? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
When Caitlin was getting her AoA, the scroll was absent. (I don't even
remember why any more.) Queen Maurya, thinking quickly, took a ring from
her own finger and gave it to Caitlin as a personal promissory. This
wasn't a cheap ring -- it was real silver, with a lapus lazuli stone set
into it. It was enormously touching, one of the best examples I've seen
to date of true nobility on the throne. When Caitlin got her scroll and
returned the ring to Maurya, she had a duplicate made as a personal
keepsake, because it had made the day particularly special for her.
*Very* tough question; there are way too many possibilities. So I'll
just answer from the gut, with my first reaction.
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What will you keep the same? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
These are good questions, and I don't have good answers for them yet.
Justin and I are different people from Aquel and Johanna, our styles
are different. We're a little younger. In some ways, we're more
formal - I think courts may get a little more serious in terms of
spiffy and pageantry, but not stuffy (I can't imagine Justin doing
stuffy -- he was pouting awhile ago that if we became baron and
baroness he couldn't sit on the floor during court anymore!). But at
the same time, there's room for more humor, and more acknowledgement
of people's achievements outside of the three baronial orders.
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What will you do differently? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
[See the response to "What will you keep the same?"]
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How much do you think the baron/ess should be involved in the running of the barony? just the "medieval bits" or other stuff as well? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
I think the Baron/ess should be sort of a "senior statesman" role --
advising when asked, but not trying to take the seneschal's role. Of
course it's the baron/ess's role to hold courts and make presentations
of honors and awards, but that shouldn't be all. They should be a
facilitator, who can get diverse groups working together, too. The
baron/ess should be leaders, not figureheads.
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What type of structure do you envision to support our general marshal activities? Seeing as I personally am involved in Archery, Throw Weapons, Heavy List and Fencing, I would appreciate if you could give all of us a view of the "big picture". As Baron/Baroness, what would you try to put in place to encourage the growth of each of these activities? Or do you envision a single structure that could support all of them at the same time? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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Aquel and Johanna have started getting into having an entourage (for court, processionals) which is quite different from how Patri and Barbara did things. Do you think you would want to "do entourage" in some fashion? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
The issue is partly one of expectations. Aquel and Johanna have been
developing a tradition of Baronial Champions, very much cognates to the
Royal Champions. And I think everyone sort of expects that parallel to
continue -- just as the Royal Champs always attend Their Majesties in
court, so everyone sort of expects the Baronial ones to do the same. And
to be fair, we don't really provide the Baronial Champions with anything
*else* to do as the duties of the post.
I suspect that Caitlin and I would try to move away from this sort of
business-as-usual mode of retinue, although rather gradually. We're very
interested in finding other ways of doing things -- I generally find the
SCA cooler and more interesting when it's being imaginative. I do think
it's important that Champions and such have some sort of duties, so it's
more than just a hollow award, but there may be other avenues to
That aside, the only *necessary* member of the Baronial retinue is the
herald. I suspect having one or two others available is generally
useful, but like I said, I'd prefer that it not turn into a mob...
I think I would like to "do entourage" at some level. But the level of
entourage appropriate to the situation varies wildly. It is highly
appropriate to have lots of Carolingians marching off to the Field
Battle at Pennsic together, for example, or for making an entrance to
other kinds of public - especially large - events. It isn't so
appropriate, or useful, to crowd a dais at an event with all of the
champions, heralds, ladies' maids, household, jesters, and whatnot. To
me, the crowded stage look detracts from the presence of the baron and
baroness. Much better at such a time to have just a small handful of
people - one herald, one attendant, maybe a guard/champion or two.
These positions should rotate, either within the event or between
events, to give those who would like to serve the opportunity to do so,
and those whom the baron/ess wishes to honor a venue for that.
Master Justin du Coeur :
To some degree, probably, although I certainly wouldn't want to see
Baronial court turn into the mob scene that Royal court has become.
Back to the top.
What part of being Baron/ess do you expect to be, for you, the most distasteful part(s) of the job? What tactics have you thought of to deal with them? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
Hard? I expect that one of the hard parts for me will be the diminished
privacy. There is an expectation that the Baron/ess will be receptive
to meeting people, responding to questions, reaching out, being
attended, and rarely alone, and for me that will be a change I will need
to adapt to. I am naturally a private person, and taking a public role
Baroness means a compromise on that score.
But at a guess, I'd have to suspect that nasty politics will be the
worst of it. Carolingia is blessedly less prone to stupid short-sighted
politics than most groups; still, where there are people there are
politics, and sometimes those will turn heated.
There's not much for that but to take it when it comes, and try to
handle it as best we can. IMO, while the B/B aren't solely responsible
for dealing with this sort of thing, they can and should try to act as
mediators and peacemakers where possible. That's never fun and rarely
easy, but it's important.
(Fortunately, Caitlin and I have both already gotten some experience
with this sort of thing, from other positions in the Society and other
clubs that we've worked with. Things aren't likely to get as bad as some
of the nastier politics I've had to work through on the LARP side of the
Of course, that's (hopefully) the rare case. On a more day-to-day level,
the main challenge for me personally will simply be the formality of the
job. I am not, by instinct, a particularly formal sort of person, but I
think the populace is quite reasonably going to expect *some* gravitas
from the B/B. (The Baron doesn't get to sit on the floor during court.)
On that front, I think it'll be a matter of feeling out a balance. I
have no desire to overcompensate here -- I think being a little
light-handed is better than being too stuffy or severe. I'll just have
to pay some attention to my own manner and style, and evolve it as seems
Distasteful? Probably hearing malicious gossip, especially when there's
nothing I can do to mediate.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Hard to say without actually having done the job, of course -- I suspect
that you learn a lot about yourself and how things really work when
you're actually in the chair.
Back to the top.
What do you expect to have to give up to accept this position? How will your participation in other Baronial activities change? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
As for changing my participation in other Baronial activities, I expect
there to be some mild shifting of priorities, but not terribly dramatic
ones. I'm already something of a dilletante, visiting various guilds and
such as they strike my fancy; I believe that's a strength in a B/B, who
need to know the Barony as broadly as possible. I'd probably step that
up a little, but I don't think it needs to get too extreme.
(The one specific change I'd make is getting back into armor, which
would require some time and focus. I haven't fought in, oh, more years
than I care to contemplate, but I feel that it's symbolically important
for the Baron to be able to take the field with the troops.)
Beyond that task of getting out and visiting the various subgroups that
make up the great Venn Diagram that is Carolingia, I don't think the job
requires all that much *time* specifically; this isn't like being
Royalty, with the various timesinks that entails. There are some other
tasks involved, such as external relations with the Royals and the other
Baronies, but those tend to happen at events on an as-needed basis.
As for my other jobs within the Society, I don't expect things to change
dramatically. Being active on the questions@sca.org list is, frankly,
recreational for me -- I'm only one of several people there, so I can
answer questions as I have time, and I enjoy doing it. Running the Rolls
Ethereal takes virtually no day-to-day effort, since it's largely
automated. The Low Company would be an interesting question: if someone
wanted to take it on actively, I'd probably let them have it, and
otherwise continue to play and teach as I have time.
As I said elsewhere - but which responses I don't think have been
published - I would give up the office of Principal of the Daystar, and
ask the order to select another. I would give up the office of Central
Region Seneschal as well, in favor of my emergency deputy or another
appointed by the Kingdom Seneschal. The latter is a stress magnet - and
I couldn't do that and be baroness and do either one well.
I would expect that I would irregularly attend more activities,
including watching martial practices, for example, which I don't do now.
Master Justin du Coeur :
I don't expect to have to give up a huge amount. I'd have to stop being
active at quite such a high level in other organizations, but that's
largely already happened. I've already done a fair amount in other clubs
(Master of my Masonic Lodge, Chair of Intercon), and gradually come to
realize that the SCA is, in a very meaningful sense, my "home" -- I just
plain enjoy it more. So I've been slowly backing away from other
commitments for the past year, so I can concentrate more on the Society.
Back to the top.
Do you see anything preventing you from holding the post at least 4 years? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
And no, I don't see any reason why we couldn't hold the posts for that
long. I plan on watching and pacing myself to avoid quick burnout, and
have no intention of taking on any other tasks that would get in the
I don't see any reason why Justin and I couldn't, or wouldn't, hold the
office for at least four years. We're thinking around 5 years, give or
take, but have no explicit term in mind.
Master Justin du Coeur :
On the more pointed question, which seems the more pertinent one: we
haven't made any real decisions about how long we'd like to hold the
job, but five years seems to be a fairly sensible stretch. I have to
admire Aquel and Johanna for deciding to step down *before* burning out
- -- it shows uncommon wisdom, and it's a good lesson.
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What responsibilities do you feel the Baron/ess has to whom? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
The Baron/ess has a responsibility to him or herself, to recognize
issues of overcommitment, health, and responsibilities to job and family
outside of the SCA, and when those need to take priority over their SCA
The Baron/ess also have a responsibility to the Crown, to hold the lands
faithfully, to protect the barony, and to protect the Crown when called
to do so, as a part of their fealty to the Crown.
The Baron/ess have a responsibility to everyone in the barony to be
just, to be fair, to be welcoming, to listen. The Baron/ess should be a
leader, and an exemplar.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Big question -- that really boils down to a job description. I won't try
to be comprehensive, but some that occur to me include:
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Many of you, over the length of your SCA careers, have not been shy about sharing your opinions in public. If elected, would you change your participation in public discussions, including (but not limited to) e-mail lists and Great Council meetings? If so, how? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
It would be a factor -- I think I'd have to install an extra "do I want
to post this?" filter in my brain, because if I said something stupid
online, it would have the potential to embarass not just myself, but the
Barony. And I think the Baron has a particular onus to be diplomatic and
reasonable, which means that outright flames (which I don't do often,
but when I do, they're searing) are probably a bad idea.
But overall, no, I don't think I'd change my discussion style or
quantity much. I don't think much is gained by the Baron/ess being
afraid to express their honest opinions, and something is likely to be
lost. (As you say, most of the candidates have been pretty expressive,
and most have had useful things to say.)
Besides, I don't think I'm physically *capable* of squelching myself too
far; I'd probably explode...
I expect that my paricipation will continue in the same style and at a
similar level: speaking up only when I have factual information to
contribute to a thread or a Council discussion. I participate on the
Carolingia list, SCA-East, EK-Heralds, and SCA-Cooks. I also read quite
a few less public lists, for various orders, households, and offices.
The number of lists I read probably won't change, either.
Master Justin du Coeur :
*Very* good question, and one that I've been thinking about. The answer
for me, I believe, is "not much".
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Why do you think you'll be good? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
Besides length of activity in the SCA (17 and 18 years, respectively),
we have a great breadth of experience. I've been baronial secretary,
edited the Liber, cooked for and autocratted events, worked as a
herald and a regional seneschal, been active as an archer, a dancer,
and a member of the cooks and brewers guilds. I also have experience
dealing with people in other groups, and look forward to making the
connection with other barons and baronesses and their groups.
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Do you think you will be able to be in tune with all the different aspects of the barony? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
I think so. If I may, instead of listing all our various activities
here, I'll refer you to the SCA resumes we sent to Tibicen, which she
will be making available. We've both been autocrats, guild members,
engaged in one or more combat activities, been active in a borough....
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Do you belong to a household, formal or informal? Are you in fealty, or have fiefs of your own? Do you anticipate your household or feudal relationships changing if you become Baron/ess, and if so how? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies :
I don't expect any of this to impinge too strongly, and don't see any
practical reason why any of this needs to change. While the households
would hopefully provide a modicum of support, I don't think there's any
real danger of strange mixings of influence.
In practice, household/Baron mixings tend to only become problems when
the household and Barony are structured such that attaching to the
household can give someone additional informal power within the branch,
or where the household is so large and powerful that it is in danger of
overwhelming the Barony. That doesn't seem to be a danger here -- the
nature of Baronial power in Carolingia doesn't lend itself easily to
that sort
of influence-sharing, and the group is so large and diverse that it
would be extremely difficult for any one household to become excessively
I belong to House Windsmeet, of which I am a founding member. I belong
also to House Silverwing, as a former protegee of Steffan ap Kennydd's.
As a Pelican, I choose to be in fealty to TRM Lucan and Yana.
As baron and baroness, Justin and I will be required to be in fealty to
the Crown, as we would be holding the lands in fief.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Yes, we're both in House Silverwing. (And Caitlin is in Windsmeet.) Both
households are relatively informal affairs, more collections of friends
than anything highly structured. I have one current apprentice (Nora
Stewart), and occasionally contemplate taking another.
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What part(s) of history interests you most (right now)? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
In the SCA context -- as I've often said, I'm a dilletante. My primary
focus these days is gaming, but I've been getting back into dance, and
right at the moment I'm playing around with several things. I tend to
focus on late-period, mainly because I'm extremely fond of using period
books when I'm studying a topic, and those are *vastly* easier to obtain
for the 16th and 17th centuries than earlier times.
Well, right at the moment I'm actually doing a lot of light study of
Ancient History. That's not so much something I set out to do, as that I
discovered The Teaching Company a while back, a really neat firm that
specializes in producing college-level courses on tape. They're very
strong in Ancient History, so I've been doing a lot of Greece and Rome.
(Although, that said, I just picked up several of their Medieval
courses, and am looking forward to getting around to them soon.)
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What do you think your duties of a Baron/Baroness are to the boroughs and how would you fulfill them? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
Okay, I'm going to step back for a second here, and give the honest,
dispassionate answer. The duty of the B/B to the boroughs is basically
the same as to any other group within the Barony. *Personally*, I tend
to spend a fair amount of time and energy on the Boroughs, but that's
really a personal thing; the B/B really shouldn't be too unbalanced
towards or away from any one group. Frankly, it's one reason why I
insisted on running with Caitlin -- together, I think we represent the
Barony more thoroughly than either of us would separately.
Of course, this begs the question: what duty does the B/B owe to the
groups within it? I don't think there's a single pat answer, but some
aspects seem to include:
-- Being aware. One of the most basic-sounding duties, but one of the
most important: the B/B need to *know* the people and groups in the
Barony. That isn't easy; it's a huge Barony, bigger than most folks
-- Being involved. If the B/B are, as some have been saying, the "heart
and soul of the Barony", that has to mean that they have to strive to be
a *part* of the Barony, as broadly as they reasonably can. It's frankly
impossible for anyone to do everything in Carolingia. But I think it's
good for them to make an effort to do as much as they reasonably can.
-- Being fair. The Barony has a number of different interests, and
sometimes they conflict. One of the quieter jobs of the B/B is quiet
mediation and diplomacy when necessary. Carolingia is less prone to
internal politics than many SCA branches, so this duty blessedly isn't
needed too often. But when it's important, it's important. The B/B need
to be about to step back, understand everyone's positions, and do what
they can to help bring things to a peaceful resolution.
-- Leading, gently. Carolingia has a distinctively decentralized spirit.
We don't tend to deal well with being led too forcefully -- there are
too many people with too many different ideas for one vision to compel
people too strongly. That said, the B/B can't just be a follower,
either. I'd say that their job is to listen to the people around them,
pick out the ideas that make sense, and then encourage those ideas in
the people around them.
Hmm; interesting question.
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Do you feel the Baron/Baroness has any particular duties to newcomers? If so, what? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
Only in degree, rather than kind, I'd say. That is, everyone
collectively shares the responsibility to try to help out the newcomers
and make them feel comfortable in whatever space is appropriate for
them. That's true of the B/B as well, but with a somewhat greater duty
to try and make folks feel welcome when they're just starting out.
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How have you interacted with the boroughs in the past year? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
I think it's fair to say that I do a good deal with the boroughs, more
than most of the older generation do -- I'm one of the mainstays during
demo season, I try to help out with things like IKU and suchlike.
Caitlin admittedly isn't as involved with that side of things, but I
think that's okay -- the main reason we can know as much of the Barony
as we do is that we *don't* entirely run in the same crowds. If knowing
all of the Barony is a difficult task, it's made somewhat easier by
splitting the task.
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If you saw a someone you took to be new at their third event wearing t-shirt & jeans (for the third time), what would you do if anything? Would what you do change if you were Baron/ess? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
In general, a situation like this calls for a gentle but firm hand,
steering them towards some loaner garb for the short term, and a teacher
(or at least a merchant) for the longer. The main danger is coming off
as scolding, which can drive someone away -- you need to get across the
point that we *do* have some reasonable expectations of folks, while
as helpful as possible. Exactly how you handle it is going to depend on
the person involved, and being sensitive to how they react.
Probably not much (would change, that is). I mean, as a Peer I've
already got a certain amount of onus to try and guide people when it
looks necessary.
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Do you feel the Barony is ready for a Baronial TW Champion now? If not, how would you judge when we have reached that point? :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
In general, the Society doesn't explore the alternative ways of
recognizing Good Stuff nearly enough. I suspect that this is something
Caitlin and I would play with -- we're both fond of seeing more variety
in recognitions. (Even a different term can help -- I vastly prefer to
think of the "Royal Bards", rather than "Bardic Champions".)
I do think that TW has reached a point where it's worth getting a bit of
particular recognition, but I think it's worth spending some time and
seeing if we can come up with a recognition that's more distinctive to
that particular form than just another Champion. Don't know offhand what
that might be, but I'd love to talk with folks about it...
Bear in mind that this isn't anything against TW, and shouldn't be
interpreted as a desire to see anything "better" or "worse" for that as
opposed to any other martial art. It's mainly a desire to see each art
get something a bit *different*, and appropriate to that art...
Okay, here I have to be a bit contrarian -- I'm not overfond of the idea
of having lots of Baronial Champions of Foo. While it *is* a way to
recognize an art, I find that it tends to get a bit bland if you overuse
it. One Baronial Champion is cool; three is fine; ten is really boring.
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What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
First of all, with your indulgence, I'd like to step aside from the
actual questions you asked. As stated, most of them beg
Mom-and-Apple-Pie answers ("The Baron and Baroness will provide love and
support for the fencers", yadda yadda yadda) when the matter deserves
more thought than that. Since the questions are really quite closely
related, I think it's easier to look at it by unifying them together.
It looks to me like these questions really boil down to, "What is, and
what should be, the relationship between the Baron and Baroness, and the
fencing community?" with a soupcon of, "Where should the fencing
community be going?". I'll address those; forgive me if this goes on a
bit, because it gets into some philosophy that really matters to us.
The former one first, because it really underpins the latter. IMO, it is
neither the B/B's right nor responsibility to decide the course of
fencing in the Barony. That sounds obvious when stated that way, but it
has some unobvious consequences.
Consider the CRC. There's a certain longing for the glory days of the
CRC among many of the fencers in the Barony. I share in that: I was a
CRC cadet for a couple of years myself. (Joe kept trying to put me in a
cloak, but I declined; I was never serious enough about fencing to feel
comfortable as a guard.) I've still got some truly lovely CRC medallions
that I picked up from a craftsman (down in Texas of all places), sadly
shortly before the CRC ceased to be.
But consider this also: it wasn't Patri's idea. Oh, he was heavily
involved in it, both in sanctioning the idea and providing some input
himself. But the formation of the CRC, as I remember it, was really
driven by the founding guards themselves. Patri *supported* the idea
wholeheartedly, but he didn't really *drive* it.
IMO, that's more important than it may appear on the surface. Something
like the CRC clicks when it's really a grassroots thing, not driven by
the Baronial leadership. From the idea up, it's really got to come from
the people if it's going to feel that *cool* to everyone. The B/B's job
is to support and nurture that, and yes, to provide ideas and critique,
but they shouldn't be driving it.
Now, that out of the way, my personal druthers. I adore the CRC
conceptually, mainly because it is *different*. It was a way of
recognizing the value of both individuals, and of fencing as an
activity, without just Another Bloody Championship. (Don't get me wrong:
I have the utmost respect for the folks who have been Baronial Fencing
Champs. I just don't think the idea of the Champions is anywhere near as
interesting as the CRC was.)
This is a point on which I think Caitlin and I feel more strongly than
most: we don't like the Society's tendency towards homogenization.
Especially when it comes to recognition, the SCA tends to shoehorn all
situations into a very few models -- ranks/awards, Champions, and
honestly not a heck of a lot more. That's sad, because period furnishes
us with so many more models to work from.
What do I want for the structure of fencing? (And the other martial
arts?) I'm not going to give a concrete answer, because I don't have
one. What I *do* want is brainstorming for ideas that are new and
different. What I *don't* want to see is simply more of the same.
Because when you get right down to it, more of the same usually just
isn't as *cool* as using some imagination. And the surest way to support
an activity is to help it be cool...
Okay, this was one of the more interesting sets of questions we've
gotten, so I've gone and slept on them. I don't know if the following is
so much "answers" as "thoughts".
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What can the Baronial Fencing community provide for you? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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As the fencing community grows and matures in the Barony, what role to you see it playing? :
Master Justin du Coeur :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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