Testimonials from Program Participants
"My SEPT experience left me with a sense of urgency to share everything I learned. The presentations at SEPT were at the front of diverse fields of science and months later I continually find opportunities to enhance student learning by sharing with students and colleagues."
– Joe Chase, 2012, Essex High School, Essex, VT
"SEPT was the single most actionable and influential professional development I have ever been a part of. Each specific learning activity was not only unique but transferable to the students in my classroom."
– Michael Carbone, 2012, McDonough Expeditionary Learning School, Hartford, CT
"I learned far more than I thought possible in a single week. Not only were the activities and topics diverse, but just our presence on the MIT campus helped bring to life many of the developments that are taking place in technology and education today."
– Bob Porto, 2011, Lawrence School, Falmouth, Massachusetts
Throughout the week, I was continually impressed with MIT’s outreach and willingness to share with SEPT participants. I came away from the week excited to head back to school with exciting new topics of research for my high school students. My week at MIT was a career changing, profound experience that has made me a better teacher.
– Lisa Vazquez, 2009, Mariner High School, Cape Coral, Florida
"My experience at SEPT was overwhelming and inspiring. I was able to network with teachers and professors from around the world and learn more about my content area (biology), as well as other areas of science and engineering. Professors [at MIT] are interested in helping and working with teachers to improve and enrich science education. Thank you all for this tremendous opportunity.”
– Rachel Tenenbaum, 2008, La Jolla High School, California
"Speakers were awesome, with each conveying their enthusiasm of their subject as well as presenting a delivery of exceptional content."
– Eileen Watson, 2006, Rosarian Academy, Florida
"What a great way to enlighten me and inspire my students."
– Marianna O'Brien, 2005, Lincoln High School, California
"The program stretched my mind to areas I wasn't even aware!"
– Nancy Wilson, 2004, Taylor High School, Texas
"This immersion in science and engineering has made a profoundly positive impact on how I will teach my young talented students. This week has opened my eyes in how to be part of a valuable team effort that helps to prepare young students for their future.
– Andra L. Zoller, 2003, James F. Bay School, Texas