Monday 8 April 2002
1st session: Passive Listening for fish what has been
Tuesday 9 April 2002
2nd session: Future developments and applications.
3rd session: Acoustic technology
Special session:
Demonstrations of hardware and software.
Wednesday 10 April 2002
Working groups
production of summary papers
Day 1 Monday 8 April 2002
April 9 | April 10
8:50 am Opening remarks by
Hawkins, Rountree and Goudey
Session 1: Passive listening for
fishes what has been done
Review of programs that have applied passive acoustics to research
on fish ecology and fisheries issue
9:10-9:30 "Applications
of underwater acoustics data in fisheries management for spotted
seatrout, C. nebulosus, in estuaries of South Carolina"
Roumillat* and Brouwer
9:30-9:50 "Locating
sciaenid spawning aggregations in anticipation of harbor modifications,
and reactions of spotted sea trout spawners to acoustic disturbance"
Collins*, Callahan, Post, and Avildsen
9:50-10:10 "Characterization
of sounds and their use in two sciaenid species: weakfish and Atlantic
croaker" Connaughton*, Lunn, Fine and Tayor
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-10:50 "Detection
and characterization of yellowfin and bluefin tuna using passive
acoustical techniques" Allen and Demer*
10:50-11:10 "Acoustic
competition in the gulf toadfish Opsanus beta: Crepuscular
changes and acoustic tagging" Fine* and Thorson
11:10-11:50 "Passive
acoustic transects: Mating calls and spawning ecology in East Florida
Sciaenids" Gilmore*
11:50-1:30 Lunch
1:30-1:50 "The use
of passive acoustics to identify a haddock spawning area"
1:50-2:10 "Using a towed
acoustic array to survey drum spawning sites in the Gulf of Mexico"
2:10-2:30 "Fish courtship
and mating sounds" Lobel*
2:30-2:50 "Use
of passive acoustics to identify essential fish habitats in North
Carolina" Luczkovich* and Sprague
2:50-3:10 Break
3:10-3:30 "Passive acoustics
field research on Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua L. in Canada"
Fudge* and Rose
3:30-3:50 "Soniferous
fishes of Massachusetts" Rountree* and Juanes
3:50-4:10 "The mating
behavior of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)s " Rowe*
and Hutchings
4:10-4:30 "Is acoustic
calls a premating reproductive barrier between two north-east Atlantic
cod (Gadus morhua) groups? A review" Nordeide* and
2 Tuesday, 9 April 2002 |
April 8 | April
Session 2. Future developments
and applications
9:00-9:10 Opening remarks
9:10-9:50 "Potential
of passive acoustics applications for coral reef ecology and management"
Brainard, Wong*, Luczkovich, and Sprague
9:50-10:10 "Passive
detection and localization of transient signals from marine mammals
using widely spaced bottom mounted hydrophones in open ocean environments)"
Jarvis* and Moretti
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-10:50 "Acoustic
sensing with autonomous ocean sampling networks" Schmidt*
10:50-11:10 "Creating
a web-based library of underwater biological sounds" Bradbury
and Bloomgarden*
11:10-11:30 "Spotted seatrout
spawning requirements & essential fish habitat: a microhabitat
approach using hydrophones" Baltz*
11:30-11:50 "Potential
for coupling of underwater TV monitoring with passive acoustics"
Barans and Brouwer*
11:50-1:10 Lunch
Session 3. Acoustic technology
Review of current state of the art and future developments for underwater
acoustic technology, underwater video-acoustic recording technology,
analysis techniques and software
1:10-1:30 "Quantifying
species specific contributions to the overall sound level"
Sprague* and Luczkovich
1:30-1:50 "Passive- and
active - acoustical monitoring of marine life using multi-instrumented
buoys" Demer*, Needham, and Conti
1:50-2:10 "Application
of passive acoustic methods for automatic detection, location and
tracking of whales " Clark*
2:10-2:30 "New technologies
for passive acoustic detection of fish sound production"
2:30-2:50 "A remote-controlled
instrument platform for fish behavior studies and sound monitoring"
Totland, Svellingen, and Ovredal*
2:50-3:10 Break
3:10-3:30 "Classifying
fish sounds using wavelets" Wood*
3:30-3:50 "Use of ROVs as a platform for passive acoustics:
characterization of ROV noise generation" Rountree, Blue*, and
3:50-4:10 "Multihydrophone
localization of low frequency broadband sources"
4:10-4:30 "Synchronized
underwater audio-video recording" Lobel*
4:30-6:00 Special Session Demonstratons
of acoustic/video hardware and software
Clark - Pop-up recorders
Canary and Raven software
Signal software
Hawkins - Avisoft and other software
Mann - hardware, data logger and software
7:00-10:00 Buffet Dinner and Vendor demonstrations
3 Wednesday, 10 April 2002| April
8 | April 9
Working groups production of summary papers
9:00-11:00 Working group - Biology, Luczkovich - facilitator
11:00-1:00 Working group Technology and software,
Mann - facilitator
1:00-2:30 Lunch
2:30-5:30 Working group - Summing up
2:30-3:30 Future development: Technology and software
3:30-4:30 Potential for passive acoustics, possible joint
research projects
4:30-5:30 Bringing it all together, closing remarks (Hawkins,
Rountree and Goudey)
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