Secrets of a Cape Cod Salt Marsh
Ph.D. student Jennifer Culbertson makes the most of decades of research on a Cape Cod salt marsh and adds her own insights on the long-term effects of petroleum in the coastal environment.
Odds and Ends
Newsworthy notes from the Sea Grant community
AUVs in the Heartland
Xanthos travels from Cambridge to Milwaukee, showing scientists at the Great Lakes Water Institute how AUVs can aid in Great Lakes research.
Labs Join Forces in Pursuit of Faster Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Combine expertise in optical fiber "sniffing" techniques with specialized molecular probes for algal toxins and the result may revolutionize HAB cell detection.
Maggie Loftus
Treasure Chest
Poetry by Eamon Grennan
A selection of marine-related web sites
This is an abbreviated version of the printed newsletter. To be added to the mailing list for the print version of "Two if by Sea", contact seagrant @whoi.edu