Coastal Decision Maker Workshops are specifically designed to inform coastal decision-makers about
current science and management issues. Many of the workshops include practical
information on addressing identified coastal management problems. For more information
and the current schedule,
January 23-25 and February 27-March 1, 2007
In MIT Sea Grant's two Sea Perch Workshops, teachers will learn how to build a remotely operated vehicle (Sea Perch) and how to integrate ROVs and ocean exploration into the classroom. For more information, contact Brandy Wilbur at or see
February 1, 2007
Woods Hole Sea Grant will issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the 2008-2010 funding cycle. To be added to the mailing list or for more information, including deadlines, contact Sea Grant at 508-289-2398 or
May 9-11, 2007
Working Waterways and Waterfront - A National Symposium on Water Access - Norfolk, Virginia
This conference will bring together experts in many fields to delve into issues that surround the rapid conversion of working waterfronts - marinas, boat repair yards, fish piers, and charter fishing docks - to other uses such as private residential developments and non-water dependent businesses. Sponsored by the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council. Hosted by Virginia Sea Grant. Conference website:
May 21-24, 2007
Fifth International Marine Bioinvasions Conference - Cambridge, Massachusetts
This gathering, hosted by MIT Sea Grant, will examine marine bioinvasion vectors, patterns, distribution, ecological and evolutionary consequences, economic impacts, biosecurity approaches, and natural and invasion impacts on biodiversity. For more information, see
July 22-26, 2007
Coastal Zone '07 - Portland, Oregon
The biennial Coastal Zone conference, now in its fifteenth edition, is the largest international gathering of ocean and coastal management professionals in the world, representing federal, state, and local governments, academia, nonprofit organizations, and private industry. For information, see conference website: