The following publications are available from MIT Sea Grant and/or WHOI Sea Grant. For WHOI documents, write to WHOI Sea Grant, MS #2, 193 Oyster Pond Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1525; or call (508) 289-2398. For MIT documents, write to Publication Ordering, MIT Sea Grant, Bldg. E38-300, 292 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Requests should include your name and address and a check or money order for the amount listed, plus costs for shipping and handling ($1.50 for domestic, $3 for international postage). For a full listing of MITSG publications, see; for a full listing of WHOISG publications, see Sea Grant 2007 Calendar
Cohen, MIT Sea Grant (editor)
MITSG 07-1 24pp
Featuring photographs by Emily Hiestand, this calendar offers glimpses of seascapes, the urban harbor, fishing communities, and other vistas from the Commonwealth. Each month also highlights an area of MIT Sea Grant's research, education, and outreach activities.
Geographic Information Systems and Ocean Mapping in Support of Fisheries Management
T. Noji, NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center; J. Pederson and C. Adams, MIT Sea Grant
MITSG 06-8 9pp
This paper presents a summary of a conference held in April 2006 on how GIS systems and ocean mapping can support fisheries management. The focus was on regional mapping initiatives and highlighted sophisticated data management capabilities needed to realize important ocean mapping products and analysis.
Summary of Symposium on the Alexandrium fundyense Red Tide of 2005
C.C. Vakalopoulos, Mass. EPA; M.J. Mickelson, MWRA; and J. Pederson, MIT Sea Grant (editors)
MITSG 06-7 9pp
This report presents a summary of a symposium held to discuss the 2005 outbreak of Alexandrium
fundyense, which produces a toxin that can concentrate in shellfish and poison humans who eat the shellfish. The paper includes information about lessons learned, preparations for the future, economic costs, and monitoring.
Effects of Watershed Land Use on Nitrogen Concentrations and d15Nitrogen in Groundwater
Marci L. Cole, Kevin D. Kroeger, J.W. McClelland, and I. Valiela, Boston University Marine Program
WHOI-R-06-001 17pp
Eutrophication is a major agent of change affecting freshwater, estuarine, and marine systems. It is largely driven by transportation of nitrogen from natural and anthropogenic sources. In this paper, the authors report on their findings after measuring nitrogen concentrations and d15N values in seepage water entering three freshwater ponds and six estuaries on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and assessing how they varied with different types of land use. Reprinted from Biogeochemistry, Vol. 77, pp. 199-215.
Multiple Genetic Stocks of Longfin Squid Loligo pealeii in the NW Atlantic: Stocks Segregate Inshore in Summer, but Aggregate Offshore in Winter
K.C. Buresch, G. Gerlach, and R.T. Hanlon, Marine Biological Laboratory
WHOI-R-06-002 8pp
The longfin squid Loligo pealeii is distributed widely in the NW Atlantic and is the target of a major fishery. A previous electrophoretic study of L.
pealeii was unable to prove genetic differentiation, and the fishery has been managed as a single unit. The authors describe the results of their tests for population structure using 5 microsatellite loci.
These Dunes Aren't Made for Walking
Woods Hole Sea Grant
11" x 14" poster
This 2-color poster describes the importance of dunes as a first line of defense against ocean waves and cautions beachgoers against trampling the dune plants when walking to the beach. The posters are printed on 100-lb. Yupo stock, a synthetic paper. When mounted properly, the posters will withstand a season of sun, salt, and wind. They can also be placed indoors at beach houses, changing areas, concession stands, and beach sticker sales areas.
Oceans Alive Videos
Woods Hole Sea Grant
WHOI-V-06-001 through 003
$10 to buy ($3 loan)
Videos from Woods Hole Sea Grant's popular lecture series "Oceans Alive: Plain Talk on Current Topics in Marine Science Presented for the General Public" are now available. Videos may be of interest to teachers seeking to broaden their own marine science knowledge and are useful for the classroom. The latest videos include The Changing Massachusetts Coastline: How it Affects Waterfront Property Owners - and You; Freeze Frame: A Photojournalist's Experience on an Arctic Expedition; and Young Scientists Present: Winning Science Fair Projects.