As many of our readers know, the SHASS Dean's Office said farewell this past July to Philip S. Khoury, who had served as our Dean for more than 15 years. But our School's loss is the Institute's gain. Philip has moved on to new responsibilities as Associate Provost at MIT, and we know he will fulfill this role with the same outstanding leadership, vision, humor, and grace that he provided as Dean for so many years. We wish him all the best, and look forward to working with him in his new capacity at the Institute. His warm and energizing presence on a daily basis here at SHASS will be greatly missed.
The search for a new dean has begun, and promises to be an exciting interlude in the life of the School. Meanwhile, it gives me great pleasure to step in as Interim Dean. I look forward to working with all of my SHASS colleagues to build on Philip's many accomplishments, and to help advance the extraordinary work being done every day in SHASS.
—Dean Deborah Fitzgerald