
Shear7 - Output File
 **                                                  **
 **      SSS   H   H  EEEEE    A    RRRR   777777    **
 **     S   S  H   H  E       A A   R   R       7    **
 **     S      H   H  E      A   A  R   R      7     **
 **      S     H   H  E      A   A  R  R      7      **
 **       S    HHHHH  EEEE   AAAAA  RRR      7       **
 **        S   H   H  E      A   A  R R      7       **
 **         S  H   H  E      A   A  R  R     7       **
 **     S   S  H   H  E      A   A  R   R    7       **
 **      SSS   H   H  EEEEE  A   A  R    R   7       **
 **                                                  **
                   Copyright 1994-2002                 
         Massachusetts Institute of Technology         
                     Distributed By                    
                Atlantia Offshore Limited              
                     Version 4.3e                                             
              2:05 pm 11 September 2003                                       
               Beta Version for Testing                                        

     filename: f200wtr.out                                                 
      this is an output file from "SHEAR7"
     the input file name is: f200wtr.dat

*** BLOCK 1. unit system ***                                
     flag for units:    1
*** BLOCK 2. structural and hydrodynamic data ***           
     flag for structural model:    1
     total length of the structure (ft.):   200.000
     number of spatial segments:  200
     modulus of elasticity (ksi): 0.1805E+04
     volume weight of the fluid (lbf/ft**3):    64.000
     kinematic viscosity of the fluid (ft**2/s): 0.1450E-04
     structural damping coefficient: 0.00300
     effective tension at origin (lbf):       800.0
     no. of zones to define sectional property:    1
     start and end point of each zone in x/L:  0.0000    1.0000
     hydrodynamic,strength,inside diameter(in)   1.310    1.310    1.059
     inertia (ft**4) 0.3994E-05 mass (lbf/ft)    0.766 sbmg wt (lbf/ft)    0.19
     Ca: 1.000  St code:    0.180  CL reduction factor: 1.00  LiftCoefData:  1
     hydrodynamic damping factors:    0.200     0.180     0.200
*** BLOCK 3. current data ***                               
     profile data pts:   2  probability: 0.100E+01  profile ID:      100
     location (x/L) and velocity (ft/s): 0.000    1.0000
     location (x/L) and velocity (ft/s): 1.000    3.0000
*** BLOCK 4. s-n and scf data ***                           
     no. of S-N curve segments:    1
     cut-off stress range (ksi):    0.0000
     stress range (ksi),cycles to failure: 0.4010E+01   0.1000E+09
     stress range (ksi),cycles to failure: 0.4700E+02   0.1000E+05
     global stress concentration factor: 1.000
     no. of local stress concentration positions:    0
*** BLOCK 5. computation/output option ***                  
     calculation option:   1
     response location definition: 0.0000  1.0000  0.0400
     no. of user selected modes   0
     input gravitational acceleration (ft/sec**2):  0.000
     two-sided bandwidth & multi-mode bandwidth:  0.4000    0.2000
     cutoff to eliminate modes:  0.1000
     flag for importing nodal tension & mass:   0
     flag for MATLAB animation data output:   1
     number of types of CL data to read:   4
*** BLOCK 6. supplemental data ***                          
     Lift Coefficient Data
     Data Set No.:   1
     Number of frequencies:  1
     ratio-ndFreq       aCL0            aCLmax            CLmax            CL0
      0.10000E+01     0.11000E+01     0.30000E+00     0.70000E+00     0.30000E+00
     Data Set No.:   2
     Number of frequencies: 26
     ratio-ndFreq       aCL0            aCLmax            CLmax            CL0
      0.70000E+00     0.14900E+00     0.10000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.73000E+00     0.26600E+00     0.20000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.74000E+00     0.40000E+00     0.21400E+00     0.10000E+00     0.16000E-01
      0.76000E+00     0.45100E+00     0.23500E+00     0.10000E+00     0.40000E-01
      0.78000E+00     0.50500E+00     0.27000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.80000E-01
      0.81000E+00     0.53000E+00     0.35000E+00     0.14000E+00     0.11000E+00
      0.87000E+00     0.58800E+00     0.45000E+00     0.20000E+00     0.18000E+00
      0.93000E+00     0.65800E+00     0.50000E+00     0.35000E+00     0.24000E+00
      0.96000E+00     0.74600E+00     0.50000E+00     0.50000E+00     0.30000E+00
      0.98000E+00     0.89000E+00     0.46000E+00     0.78000E+00     0.35000E+00
      0.10000E+01     0.90000E+00     0.43000E+00     0.80000E+00     0.40000E+00
      0.10200E+01     0.83700E+00     0.40000E+00     0.70000E+00     0.20000E+00
      0.10500E+01     0.76100E+00     0.40000E+00     0.40000E+00     0.10000E+00
      0.10800E+01     0.70600E+00     0.40000E+00     0.30000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.11000E+01     0.66600E+00     0.40000E+00     0.20000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.11600E+01     0.61500E+00     0.38000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.12200E+01     0.59200E+00     0.35000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.12800E+01     0.57500E+00     0.31300E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.13400E+01     0.53900E+00     0.27500E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.14000E+01     0.50400E+00     0.23800E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.14500E+01     0.42000E+00     0.20000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.15700E+01     0.31200E+00     0.16000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.16300E+01     0.24700E+00     0.14000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.16900E+01     0.18600E+00     0.12000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.17400E+01     0.16000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
      0.18000E+01     0.13600E+00     0.90000E-01     0.10000E+00     0.00000E+00
     Data Set No.:   3
     Number of frequencies:  1
     ratio-ndFreq       aCL0            aCLmax            CLmax            CL0
      0.10000E+01     0.30000E+00     0.15000E+00     0.20000E+00     0.10000E+00
     Data Set No.:   4
     Number of frequencies:  1
     ratio-ndFreq       aCL0            aCLmax            CLmax            CL0
      0.10000E+01     0.11000E+01     0.35000E+00     0.75000E+00     0.50000E+00
      1. You have selected the following options:
          SHAPE and VIV response with following
          structural model:
         pinned-pinned beam (varying tension)                                  
      1.2  The English unit system
      1.3  The following damping factors are used:
            1   0.200   0.180   0.200
     2. Structural dynamic behavior.
      2.1 String or beam?
         Tk^2/EIk^4 =  0.160E+02

        When the above value is less than 30
        you should use the beam model.

      2.2 Modes in excitation bandwidth, natural frequency,
         and preliminary modal power ratio:
         F = force; L = length; T = time.
     mode no. frequency   force   damping   modal power  power ratio to max
                (Hz)       (F)    (F*T/L)     (F*L/T)
       1      0.3474     0.00E+00   0.75E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
       2      0.6951     0.00E+00   0.39E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
       3      1.0435     0.00E+00   0.26E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
       4      1.3928     0.00E+00   0.20E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
       5      1.7434     0.41E+00   0.16E+02   0.52E-02        0.00108
       6      2.0957     0.80E+00   0.13E+02   0.24E-01        0.00491
       7      2.4497     0.16E+01   0.12E+02   0.11E+00        0.02324
       8      2.8064     0.22E+01   0.11E+02   0.24E+00        0.04868
       9      3.1655     0.34E+01   0.10E+02   0.59E+00        0.12124
      10      3.5273     0.47E+01   0.10E+02   0.11E+01        0.23264
      11      3.8920     0.65E+01   0.97E+01   0.22E+01        0.44690
      12      4.2609     0.86E+01   0.10E+02   0.36E+01        0.74856
      13      4.6329     0.10E+02   0.11E+02   0.48E+01        1.00000
      14      5.0097     0.47E+01   0.12E+02   0.88E+00        0.18170
      15      5.3905     0.14E+00   0.15E+02   0.62E-03        0.00013
      16      5.7752     0.00E+00   0.16E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
      17      6.1655     0.00E+00   0.16E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
      18      6.5614     0.00E+00   0.17E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
      19      6.9621     0.00E+00   0.17E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
      20      7.3684     0.00E+00   0.18E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
      21      7.7810     0.00E+00   0.18E+02   0.00E+00        0.00000
     No. of potentially excited modes:          21
     Based on the cutoff value of:    0.100
      the number of modes above cutoff is:           6
      These modes are:
      Lowest And Highest Excited Mode Number
     Nmmin=  9     Nmmax= 14
      Pleas note that when there are many
      modes above cutoff, and the number of
      nodes is not large enough, some of the
      modes that are above cutoff may not
      get any input power region, and therefore
      they may also be dropped out. These modes
      are insignificant to fluid input power.
     2.3 Ratio of change of vel to average vel:  1.00
      The number of excited modes and the velocity ratio together
      provide insight as to the likelihood of lock-in.
      2.4 Finite or infinite system behavior?
              9                        0.5055
             10                        0.5074
             11                        0.5062
             12                        0.5136
             13                        0.5239
             14                        0.5292
        When the minimum value in the table is greater than  2,
        infinitely long structural behavior dominates.
        When this value is less than 0.2, spatial attenuation is small.
     3. The ratio of the change of tension to the average tension:  0.0469
         The bigger the ratio, the larger the variation in tension.
      4. Structural Properties
        zone  air mass  mass ratio  total mass  inertia  steel area  hydro area
              slugs/ft               slugs/ft     ft**4       ft**2       ft**2
          1  0.238E-01      1.00    0.424E-01  0.399E-05  0.324E-02  0.936E-02
         In the above table, if mass ratio is zero,
         it means that this zone is out of water.
     5. Fundamental natural frequency =    0.347381(Hz)
     6. Maximum flow velocity:  3.0000 ft/s
        Minimum flow velocity:  1.0000 ft/s
     7. The highest Strouhal frequency is:   4.94656(Hz)
        at node:  201
        The lowest Strouhal frequency is:   1.64885(Hz)
        at node:    1
     8. Minimum wavelength corresponding
        to the maximum flow velocity=     28.57(ft)

     9. Modal damping ratio "zeta", modal mass,
        and modal frequency for the mainly excited modes.

       mode no.  damping ratio  modal mass(slug) frequency (Hz)
          9       0.05617              4.205       3.16547
         10       0.05074              4.207       3.52735
         11       0.04602              4.207       3.89201
         12       0.04280              4.217       4.26085
         13       0.04030              4.219       4.63288
         14       0.03780              4.212       5.00968
     10. Information on mode overlap.
         There is mode overlap; the overlap part
         has been eliminated.
     11. Modal Displacement Amplitude
       Mode No.   Amplitude (ft or m)
          9             0.02704
         10             0.01716
         11             0.01816
         12             0.01833
         13             0.02604
         14             0.00756
     12. Modal excitation region.
     Mode No.   No. of Nodes   Length Ratio
         9         29             0.140
        10         22             0.105
        11         23             0.110
        12         22             0.105
        13         23             0.110
        14          9             0.040
     Portion of the structure which is subject to flow is
     from 0.0000 L to 1.0000 L.
     13. Lift coefficient for each mode.
          In the following, the lift coefficient
          is the amplitude and not RMS value.
          Iteration, change in Reynolds number,
          and user input Cl reduction in suppression
          zone are taken into account.
      mode number:           9
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
           74        0.6592      1.1097
           75        0.6729      1.1033
           76        0.6813      1.0970
           77        0.6860      1.0908
           78        0.6877      1.0846
           79        0.6871      1.0785
           80        0.6840      1.0725
           81        0.6775      1.0666
           82        0.6666      1.0607
           83        0.6495      1.0548
           84        0.6245      1.0491
           85        0.5897      1.0434
           86        0.5437      1.0377
           87        0.4854      1.0321
           88        0.4142      1.0266
           89        0.3305      1.0212
           90        0.3598      1.0158
           91        0.4394      1.0104
           92        0.5062      1.0051
           93        0.5603      0.9999
           94        0.6024      0.9947
           95        0.6336      0.9896
           96        0.6558      0.9845
           97        0.6706      0.9795
           98        0.6799      0.9745
           99        0.6852      0.9696
          100        0.6874      0.9647
          101        0.6873      0.9599
          102        0.6847      0.9551
      mode number:          10
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
          103        0.4467      1.0590
          104        0.4909      1.0538
          105        0.5272      1.0487
          106        0.5561      1.0435
          107        0.5780      1.0385
          108        0.5936      1.0335
          109        0.6035      1.0285
          110        0.6082      1.0236
          111        0.6080      1.0187
          112        0.6027      1.0139
          113        0.5922      1.0091
          114        0.5760      1.0044
          115        0.5534      0.9997
          116        0.5238      0.9950
          117        0.4867      0.9904
          118        0.4419      0.9858
          119        0.3894      0.9813
          120        0.3298      0.9768
          121        0.3343      0.9724
          122        0.3934      0.9680
          123        0.4453      0.9636
          124        0.4895      0.9593
      mode number:          11
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
          125        0.4780      1.0538
          126        0.4223      1.0491
          127        0.3568      1.0444
          128        0.3170      1.0398
          129        0.3875      1.0353
          130        0.4486      1.0308
          131        0.4996      1.0263
          132        0.5405      1.0218
          133        0.5719      1.0174
          134        0.5946      1.0131
          135        0.6097      1.0087
          136        0.6181      1.0044
          137        0.6204      1.0002
          138        0.6168      0.9960
          139        0.6071      0.9918
          140        0.5905      0.9876
          141        0.5661      0.9835
          142        0.5330      0.9794
          143        0.4901      0.9754
          144        0.4371      0.9714
          145        0.3742      0.9674
          146        0.3022      0.9634
          147        0.3702      0.9595
      mode number:          12
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
          148        0.4811      1.0462
          149        0.4204      1.0420
          150        0.3479      1.0378
          151        0.3333      1.0337
          152        0.4077      1.0295
          153        0.4707      1.0254
          154        0.5215      1.0214
          155        0.5605      1.0174
          156        0.5887      1.0134
          157        0.6075      1.0094
          158        0.6181      1.0055
          159        0.6214      1.0016
          160        0.6177      0.9977
          161        0.6067      0.9939
          162        0.5875      0.9901
          163        0.5588      0.9863
          164        0.5192      0.9826
          165        0.4679      0.9788
          166        0.4045      0.9751
          167        0.3297      0.9715
          168        0.3512      0.9678
          169        0.4230      0.9642
      mode number:          13
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
          170        0.3051      1.0445
          171        0.4216      1.0406
          172        0.5141      1.0368
          173        0.5824      1.0330
          174        0.6289      1.0292
          175        0.6579      1.0255
          176        0.6740      1.0217
          177        0.6813      1.0180
          178        0.6825      1.0144
          179        0.6779      1.0107
          180        0.6660      1.0071
          181        0.6431      1.0035
          182        0.6046      0.9999
          183        0.5461      0.9964
          184        0.4642      0.9928
          185        0.3580      0.9893
          186        0.3648      0.9859
          187        0.4696      0.9824
          188        0.5500      0.9790
          189        0.6072      0.9756
          190        0.6446      0.9722
          191        0.6668      0.9689
          192        0.6783      0.9656
      mode number:          14
      node number      Cl       Fn/Fvo
          193        0.4605      1.0405
          194        0.4623      1.0370
          195        0.4574      1.0334
          196        0.4459      1.0299
          197        0.4278      1.0264
          198        0.4034      1.0230
          199        0.3733      1.0196
          200        0.3383      1.0161
          201        0.3000      1.0128
    14. RMS response and damage rate at specified locations.

          Modes used in mode superposition calculation are
          from mode  1 to mode 21.
          English units: displacement = feet;
                    acceleration=ft/s^2; stress=ksi.
          RMS A/D is RMS displ /local hydro diameter
    14.1  x/L   RMS displ  RMS A/D  RMS acc  RMS stress  damage(1/years)
         0.000    0.000    0.000  0.000E+00   0.000E+00    0.000E+00
         0.040    0.027    0.250  0.167E+02   0.836E-01    0.178E-04
         0.080    0.016    0.148  0.731E+01   0.374E-01    0.957E-06
         0.120    0.021    0.189  0.147E+02   0.731E-01    0.150E-04
         0.160    0.023    0.214  0.113E+02   0.563E-01    0.357E-05
         0.200    0.021    0.194  0.143E+02   0.709E-01    0.138E-04
         0.240    0.021    0.194  0.122E+02   0.614E-01    0.433E-05
         0.280    0.027    0.249  0.158E+02   0.783E-01    0.162E-04
         0.320    0.022    0.199  0.137E+02   0.681E-01    0.773E-05
         0.360    0.027    0.249  0.162E+02   0.794E-01    0.163E-04
         0.400    0.028    0.260  0.166E+02   0.838E-01    0.166E-04
         0.440    0.023    0.209  0.158E+02   0.772E-01    0.160E-04
         0.480    0.031    0.280  0.186E+02   0.953E-01    0.292E-04
         0.520    0.031    0.283  0.189E+02   0.902E-01    0.247E-04
         0.560    0.030    0.273  0.198E+02   0.972E-01    0.376E-04
         0.600    0.032    0.290  0.201E+02   0.988E-01    0.343E-04
         0.640    0.032    0.294  0.218E+02   0.103E+00    0.559E-04
         0.680    0.031    0.284  0.214E+02   0.103E+00    0.426E-04
         0.720    0.034    0.312  0.236E+02   0.115E+00    0.968E-04
         0.760    0.032    0.295  0.230E+02   0.109E+00    0.785E-04
         0.800    0.033    0.304  0.253E+02   0.122E+00    0.128E-03
         0.840    0.033    0.299  0.227E+02   0.988E-01    0.482E-04
         0.880    0.036    0.334  0.288E+02   0.131E+00    0.175E-03
         0.920    0.019    0.172  0.116E+02   0.588E-01    0.515E-05
         0.960    0.041    0.374  0.303E+02   0.142E+00    0.204E-03
         1.000    0.000    0.000  0.000E+00   0.000E+00    0.000E+00
     14.2 Maximum damage rate & its position for each excited mode
        Mode No.  Location (x/L)  damage rate  upcrossing frequency (Hz)
           9        0.485         0.484E-05           3.16547
          10        0.550         0.221E-05           3.52735
          11        0.680         0.647E-05           3.89201
          12        0.790         0.179E-04           4.26085
          13        0.960         0.181E-03           4.63288
          14        0.970         0.663E-05           5.00968
    14.3 The Overall Maximum RMS displacement (OMRD) is  0.041 ft
        OMRD occurs at x/L=  0.955
    14.4 The Overall Maximum RMS Stress (OMRS) is    0.142 ksi
        OMRS occurs at x/L=  0.960
    14.5 The Overall Maximum Fatigue Damage (OMFD) is   0.204E-03
        OMFD occurs at x/L=  0.960
     15. Re,St,and drag amplification factor
       x/L      T (lb)     V (ft/s)     Re         St         Cf
      0.000        800.0    1.0000       7528.7    0.180    1.000
      0.040        801.5    1.0800       8131.0    0.180    1.665
      0.080        803.1    1.1600       8733.3    0.180    1.472
      0.120        804.6    1.2400       9335.6    0.180    1.554
      0.160        806.1    1.3200       9937.9    0.180    1.601
      0.200        807.7    1.4000      10540.2    0.180    1.563
      0.240        809.2    1.4800      11142.5    0.180    1.564
      0.280        810.8    1.5600      11744.8    0.180    1.662
      0.320        812.3    1.6400      12347.1    0.180    1.573
      0.360        813.8    1.7200      12949.4    0.180    1.663
      0.400        815.4    1.8000      13551.7    0.180    1.683
      0.440        816.9    1.8800      14154.0    0.180    1.591
      0.480        818.4    1.9600      14756.3    0.180    1.715
      0.520        820.0    2.0400      15358.6    0.180    1.721
      0.560        821.5    2.1200      15960.9    0.180    1.703
      0.600        823.0    2.2000      16563.2    0.180    1.732
      0.640        824.6    2.2800      17165.5    0.180    1.738
      0.680        826.1    2.3600      17767.8    0.180    1.721
      0.720        827.6    2.4400      18370.1    0.180    1.767
      0.760        829.2    2.5200      18972.4    0.180    1.740
      0.800        830.7    2.6000      19574.7    0.180    1.755
      0.840        832.3    2.6800      20177.0    0.180    1.747
      0.880        833.8    2.7600      20779.3    0.180    1.803
      0.920        835.3    2.8400      21381.6    0.180    1.522
      0.960        836.9    2.9200      21983.9    0.180    1.864
      1.000        838.4    3.0000      22586.2    0.180    1.000
      In the table, Cf is the drag amplification
      factor due to VIV response. The product of
      Cf and drag coefficient gives VIV amplified
      drag coefficient. T is effective tension.

    16. Computational resolution.

     The user-input number of spatial segments:  200
     The first program-suggested number of spatial segments:  105
      The above value is defined as below.
      It is assumed that the minimum wavelength equals
      twice of the structure length divided by the
      maximum mode number. It is also assumed that
      in each wavelength, 10 segments would be sufficient.
     The second program-suggested number of spatial segments:    4
      The above value is defined as below.
      There are at least 4 segments in the shortest structural zone.
      The user-input number of spatial segments should be
      greater than or at least equal to the larger of the two
      program-suggested values.
      However, to adequately model the lift force distribution,
      the user-input number should not be too small.
      When the number of segments is small, the
      results can be sensitive to it.