University of Zaragoza Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony
Zaragoza, Spain, February 11, 2011

Alberto Larraz Vileta, Aragón Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment; Dr. Mateo Valero
Cortés Professor of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, also named Doctor Honoris Causa; Manuel José López Pérez, University of Zaragoza Rector; Yossi Sheffi; Javier Velasco, Aragón Minister of Department of Science, Technology and University; and Juan Herrero, General Secretary of the University of Zaragoza before the ceremony. [Enlarge] |

University of Zaragoza Rector Manuel José López Pérez leading ceremony. [Enlarge] |

Yossi receiving the Doctor Honoris Causa. [Enlarge] |

Yossi with Doctor Honoris Causa. [Enlarge] |

Yossi delivering his speech. [Enlarge] |

Paraninfo Building. [Enlarge] |

Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony - singing the anthem of the University of Zaragoza. [Enlarge] |

Yossi with the head of the Spanish Military Logistics Academy, Gonzalo Sánchez Urbón. [Enlarge] |