Print Media Appearances
Articles | Interviews and Profiles | Quotes and Mentions | Other Appearances
Articles by Yossi Sheffi
- Realizing the Economic Potential of Logistics Clusters

Global Trailer - April 2013
- Realizing the Economic Potential of Logistics Clusters

3PL Americas: The Magazine of IWLA in North America - December 2012 
- Clustering for competitive advantage (excerpt from Logistic Clusters)

Supply Chain Quarterly - Quarter 3 2012
- Intensive Clusters: Global Competitiveness and Regional Growth

Handbook of Global Logistics, James Bookbinder (Ed.), (Springer Science+Business Media, NY 2013), Chapter 19, pp. 463-500
- Time and Money Advantages of Logistics Clusters (excerpt from Logistic Clusters)

Supply Chain Brain - September-October 2012
- Logistics Clusters: The Feedback Loop Leading to Economic Growth and Jobs

The World Financial Review - September-October 2012
- Driving Growth and Employment Through Logistics
MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2012, Vol. 54 No.1
- New book explains value of "logistics clusters" to companies, economies
DC Velocity - August 21, 2012
- New Software Tools to Manage Risk and Disruptions, Part 1
New Software Tools to Manage Risk and Disruptions, Part 2
New Software Tools to Manage Risk and Disruptions, Part 3
Supply Chain Management Review - March 28, 29, 31, 2012
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 
- Logistics: Shipping on the Panama Canal

Quarterly Americas - May 2011
- The Japan Earthquake: Is Your Company Ready for Supply Chain Disruptions?

Dong-A Business Review - March 2011
Translated into Korean by Jong Ki Yoo
Article abstract 
- What does not kill me, makes me stronger

Journal of Supply Chain Management—Volume 46, Number 1
January 2010
- MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Journal of Commerce - January 12, 2009
- Poker and Random Bunching

The Tech - October 31, 2006
This column discusses the underlying theory behind why MBTA's Bus #1 runs behind schedule.
- Manage Risk Through Resilience

Financial Times - December 2, 2005
- Building Resilient Enterprises

Supply Chain Comment - October 2005
- Katrina and Organizational Culture

ISCRIM News - September 29, 2005
- Supply Chain Strategy

The Harvard Business Review Supply Chain Strategy - October 2005
- Fixing Government after Katrina

The Boston Globe - September 19, 2005
- A Demand for Steady Supply
FT.com / Financial Times - August 22, 2005
Interviews and Profiles
- Logistics clusters as drivers of growth: interview with Yossi Sheffi

Interview by Peter Bradley of DC Velocity
- Talking Logistics-Yossi Sheffi & Adrian Gonzalez
Thursday Nov 8 2:00pm EST
- Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value & Driving Growth

Interview with Industrial Distribution
reposted on IMPO
reposted on manufacturing.net
reposted on Food Manufacturing
- fueling TRADE: Logistics clusters redraw the transportation map
Interview by Alison Buckholtz of ifc.org
Q&A with Yossi Sheffi
Interview with MIT Press
- "Upsides and Downsides of Logistics Clusters"

Supply Chain Movement - August 9, 2012
- "An Interview with Yossi Shefi on Logistics Clusters"

Supply Chain Movement - June, 20, 2012
- Room for Debate: What's Missing in Airport Security?
The New York Times - December 28, 2009
- "Resilience Revisited: Yossi Sheffi from MIT discusses new vulnerabilities in the supply chain"

The CIP Exchange - Fall 2009
- "Sustainability: Economy, then Environment"

MIT Sloan Management Review - May 21, 2009
- "Strategy for being competitive"

"Diseño de una estrategia papa competir" 
INCAE Business Review, May-August 2009
- "Navigating the Energy Crunch"

ON - Life in Information - Number 3, 2008
- "Cheap oil: a thing of the past"

Deutsche Post World Net - August 2008
- Captain Contingency

CIO Magazine - March 1, 2006
- "El proceso logístico es lo único que no se puede copier en ningún sitio"
Expansión (Spanish Edition) - February 25, 2006
- Yossi Sheffi: The Thought Leader Interview

Strategy & Business, Issue 42, Spring 2006
Quotes and Mentions
- Logistics Clusters, review

Supply Business - March 2013
- 10 Greatest Supply Chain Management Books of All Time

Resilient Enterprise is in Top Ten
- Making it through the storm

The Economist- November 2012
- About.com Logistics/Supply Chain names Logistics Clusters October Book of the Month
About.com - October 2012
- Memphis: Incomparable Reach

Inbound Logistics - October 2012
- October 2012 Top 50 New Management Books for Entrepreneurs
Logistics Clusters is ranked #21
- Cluster for Competitive Advantage

DC Velocity - September 2012
- New book explains value of "logistics clusters" to companies, economies
DC Velocity - August 21, 2012
- Made in the World

The New York Times - January 28, 2012
- Global supply chains demonstrate resilience

Financial Times - May 20, 2011
- Egypt Unrest Prompts Shipping Industry to Reexamine Supply Chain Vulnerability

Journal of Commerce - February 22, 2011
- Report: Cargo On 'Overflights' Isn't Screened Like U.S.—Bound Shipments (an item on the Washington Post article)

WBUR - December, 2010
- Cargo that flies over the United States doesn't get screened to federal standards

The Washington Post - December 27, 2010
- Revamping of airport checkpoint system urged

The Washington Post - December 17, 2010
- In Air Cargo Business, It's Speed vs. Screening, Creating a Weak Link in Security
The New York Times - November 1, 2010 
Also in the International Herald Tribune
- Scaling Back on Supply During Recession Could Leave Companies Stranded During Recovery

Industry Week - September 22, 2010
- Gulf spill a reminder of the value of redundant safety systems

The Washington Post - June 17, 2010
- Protection: Strategies for reducing risk and staying ahead of your competitor

The Wall Street Journal - May 10, 2010
- Supply chain en el entorno global: pasado y futuro

Énfasis Logistica - May 2010
- IT firms face future of permanent volatility

CBR - December 3, 2009
- Supply Chains: It pays to keep your ear to the ground

Financial Times - April 17, 2009
- MBTA commuter-rail tardiness data pull up short
The Boston Globe - April 5, 2009
Also in United Transportation Union News
- Shock Absorber: US Retools Economy, Curbing Thirst for Oil

The Wall Street Journal - August 12, 2008
- Transport costs could alter world trade

USA Today - August 12, 2008
- MIT Supply Chain Research Network Expands to South America
Supply Chain Management Review - March 17, 2008
- No. 1 Drag: Harvard/Dudley Bus Travels in Packs...
The Boston Globe - August 5, 2007
- Bridge Collapse—Disasters and Commerce
ASAP Reporter Jonathan Drew reports on the economic effects of infrastructure failures on the American economy.
Daily American Online - August 2, 2007
- Supply Chain Management Risk: Weathering the Storm

CPO Agenda - Winter 2005
- Make Sure You Have Your Christmas Stock In

Financial Times - December 18, 2005
- The Best Business

Financial Times reporter James Pickford names "The Resilient Enterprise" one of the best business books of 2005—in a list meant to help holiday shoppers pick out the perfect gift for the business-minded.
Financial Times - December 10, 2005
- When All Hell Breaks Loose

DC Velocity - December 2005
- How Wal-Mart Beat the Feds to New Orleans
CIO - November 1, 2005
- Disaster Has Struck. It's Too Late to Start Planning.
New York Times - October 16, 2005
- DC Velocity Review of The Resilient Enterprise
DC Velocity Review - October 2005
- British Airways Catering for Suppliers' Strikes
The Economist - August 18, 2005
- Small
Business; Trying to Stay a Step Ahead of Murphy's Law
New York Times - August 11, 2005
- Global Push To Integrate Logistics To Drive M&A
Dow Jones Newswires - August, 2004
- Understanding Corporate Security
Financial Times (London, England) - July 14, 2004
- Four-Day Factor of Production
The Boston Globe - June 14, 2004
- Terrorism: Gambling on the Life of a Business
FT.com/Financial Times - June 1, 2004
- Supply Chain: From Just-In-Time to 'Just In Case'
FT.com/Financial Times - March 8, 2004
- Globalization is Creating U.S. Logistics Jobs

The Wall Street Journal - March 1, 2004
- Speeding the Supply Chain
Information Economics Journal - December 2003
Other Appearances