Speeding the Supply Chain
Information Economics Journal
December 2003
Duncan McFarlane and Professor
Yossi Sheffi explain how Auto ID
systems will transform the supply chain.
The rise of Automated Identification (Auto ID) applications has been driven by the need to provide
corporate information systems with information relating to physical items moving through the supply
chain in an automated and timely manner. In the context of supply chain operations, widespread introduction
of such systems represents a major opportunity to overhaul and improve tracking-and-tracing
systems, process control and inventory management. In the longer term, it is possible that
Auto ID systems may enable a complete re-engineering of the manufacturing supply chain by
removing a number of the constraints that limit today’s supply chain structures.
In simple terms, Auto ID involves the automated
extraction of the identity of an object. The real-time
availability of item identity data allows other
information related to the item to be drawn on in
order to assess both the current state of the product
and future actions required.
The management of manufacturing supply chains can
be summed up in two challenges: being able to
optimise entire systems, rather than subsystems;
and managing the variability inherent in supply chain
operations. The first challenge stems from the
restricted view of managers who are constrained by
corporate boundaries, limited responsibilities and lack
of supply chainwide visibility. The second stems from
the ever-changing nature of demand and mismatches
in response capabilities of different players in a
supply chain.We focus on the second challenge, that
of managing variability, which is increasingly critical
due to current trends in globalisation, outsourcing,
and evershortening product lifecycles.
One of the most important factors in responding to
variation is the ability to detect the variation,
recognise its cause and act accordingly. This is the
promise of a relatively new type of software tool dealing with event management. Supply chain event
management (SCEM) tools evolved from process control and are an extension of supply chain
visibility software tools. Visibility software flags deviations from plan so that logistics operations
managers can act on it.
The Achilles’ heel of all such systems is
the data acquisition - event management
processes are completely dependent on
the availability of accurate and timely
data from suppliers and service providers
as to where shipments are, what the
current inventory level is and where it is located. This is where Auto ID can add crucial value. It can
make sure that deviations are captured earlier and that the data is more complete and accurate -
thereby giving supply chain managers more time to recognise a problem, assess its potential impact
and take corrective action. This is not only an issue of human reaction time. Early detection means
that more variables can be manipulated and more options are open for a systemic response. For
example, early notification of a shipment delay on the railroad may mean that it can still make its
deadline by trucking it, while a later detection of the problem means that a critical part may have to
be air-lifted. [Go back to Print Media main page]