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Draft Papers for Comment
This section includes draft papers on which Professor Sheffi is currently working. Please send comments/reactions to Professor Sheffi at sheffi@mit.edu.
- Sabbaqhi N., Y. Sheffi, and J. Tsitsiklis. Allocational Flexibility in Constrained Supply Chains, Operations Research, submitted on February 5, 2011.

- Perez-Franco, R., M. Singh, and Y. Sheffi. Expressing a firm's supply chain strategy: a framework and a method, International Journal of Production Economics, submitted on January 31, 2011.

- Perez-Franco, R., M. Singh, and Y. Sheffi. An approach to evaluate a firm's supply chain strategy as a conceptual system, International Journal of Production Economics.

Logistics Clusters
- Sheffi, Y. Logistics Intensive Clusters: Global Competitiveness and Regional Growth, in James Bookbinder (Ed.), Handbook of Global Logistics, (Springer Science+Business Media, NY 2013), Chapter 19, pp. 463-500

- Sheffi, Y. Driving Growth and Employment Through Logistics, MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2012, Vol. 54 No.1
- Sheffi, Y. Logistics Intensive Clusters, ÉPOCA, 20 (1-2): 11-17, November, 17 2010.

- Sheffi, Y. Logistics Intensive clusters: Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth, Regional Science Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO, November 11, 2010.

Supply Chain Disruptions
- Sheffi, Y., B. Vakil, and T. Griffin Risk and Disruptions: New Software Tools, Supply Chain management Review, Executive Newsletter April 18th, 2012

- Sheffi, Y. Business continuity: a systematic approach. Global Business and the Terrorist Threat. Ed. Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore II, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2009. 32-41.

- Sheffi, Y. and J. Rice A Supply Chain View of the Resilient Enterprise, MIT Sloan Management Review, 47 (1): 41-48, fall 2005.

- Sheffi, Y. Preparing for the Big One, IEE Manufacturing Engineer, 84 (5): 12-15, Oct/Nov 2005.
- Sheffi, Y. The Resilient Enterprise:Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage, MIT Press, September 2005.
- Sheffi, Y. Organizations and Processes to Meet the Threat of International Terrorism, in Kausel (ed.) in Fallen Towers: Engineering Response to International Terrorism, February 2004.
- Sheffi, Y., J. Rice, J. Fleck, and F. Caniato. A Supply Chain Response to Global Terrorism: A Situation Scan
Paper presented at the Supply Chain Conference in the University of Milan, June 2003.
- Sheffi, Y. Supply Chain Management Under the Threat of International Terrorism, International Journal of Logistics Management, 12 (1): 1 - 11, 2002.

This paper won the "Best Paper Award" from the International Journal of Logistics Management and Accenture Inc. Reprinted in Defense Transportation Journal, pp 11-18, October 2002.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Rivera, L. and Y. Sheffi, Panama Canal Update, M. Essig, M. Hulsman, E. Maria-Kern and S. Klien-Schmeink, Ed., Supply Chain Safety Management: Security and Robustness in Logistics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2013, pp 213-217.

- Klaus, P. and Y. Sheffi. On the Evolution of Three Meanings of Logistics, in Peter Klaus and Stefanie Muller (ed.) The Roots of Logistics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012
- Sheffi, Y. Building a Resilient Organization, The Bridge – the journal of the National Academy of Science, 37 (1): 30-36, spring 2007.

- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi. Combinatorial Auctions for Truckload Transportation, in Cramton, P. et al (ed.) Combinatorial Auctions. The MIT Press, 2006.

- Sheffi, Y. The Tug of War (HBR Case Study), Harvard Business Review, 83 (1): 39-52, September 2005.

- Sheffi, Y. Combinatorial Auctions in the Procurement of Transportation Services, Interfaces, 34 (4): 245-252, July-August 2004.

- Sheffi, Y. Demand variability and Supply Chain Flexibility, in G. Prockl (ed.) Contributions in Logistics, University of Nürnberg, March 2004
- Sheffi, Y. RFID and the Innovation Cycle, International Journal of Logistics management, 15 (1), 2004.

- McFarlane, D. and Y. Sheffi. Speeding the Supply Chain, Information Economics Journal, pp 26-27, December 2003.
- McFarlane, D. and Y. Sheffi. The Impact of Automatic Identification on Supply Chain Operations, International Journal of Logistics management, 14 (1), 2003.

- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi. Theory and Practice of Optimization-based Bidding for Motor carrier Transportation Services. Journal of Business Logistics, 24 (2), 2003.
- Sheffi, Y. The value of CPFR, Proceedings, Fourth International Congress On Logistics Research, IMRL 2002, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2002.
- Bovet, D. and Y. Sheffi. The Brave New World of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, pp. 14-23, Spring 1998.
- Sheffi, Y., and P. Klaus. Logistics at Large: Jumping the Barriers of the Logistics Function
This paper was presented at the Council of Logistics Management Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 1997. 
- Caplice, C., and Y. Sheffi. A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Performance Management Systems, International Journal of Logistics Management, 6(1):61-74, 1995.

- Caplice, C., and Y. Sheffi. A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics, International Journal of Logistics Management, 5(2):11-28, 1994.

This paper won the Andersen Consulting Prize for the Best Paper in International Logistics for 1994.
- Sheffi, Y., A Shipment Information Centre. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2(2):1-12 February 1992.

- Sheffi, Y., Third Party Logistics: Present and Future Prospects. The Journal of Business Logistics, 11(2):27-40, November 1990.
- Sheffi, Y., B. Eskandari, and H. Koutsopoulos. Transportation Model Choice With Total Logistics Costs. Journal of Business Logistics, 9(2):137-154, November 1988.
- Carlyle, D., S. Probs, W. Powell, Y. Sheffi, and K. Nickerson. A Turnkey Microcomputer Based Logistics Planning System. Interfaces, 17(4):16-27, July-August 1987.
- Sheffi, Y. Shipper/Carrier Interaction in the Transportation Market: An Analytical Framework. Journal of Business Logistics, 7(1):1-27, March 1986. (This paper won the E. Grosvenor Plowman Prize Paper Award from NCPDM.)
Paper presented in prize ceremony to National Council of Physical Distribution Management Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 1985;
- Sheffi, Y. A Note on Analytical Problems in Logistics Research. Transportation Research, 19A(5/6):402-405, November 1985.
- Sheffi, Y. and G. Kocur. A Review of Inventory/Transportation Tradeoffs and Flow Consideration in a Logistics System. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Distribution and Logistics, Babson College, Wellesley, MA, May 1984.
Freight Transportation
- Yan, S., D. Bernstein, and Y. Sheffi. Intermodal Pricing Using Network Flow Techniques, Transportation Research, 29B(3):171-180, June 1995.
- Barnhart, C. and Y. Sheffi. A Network-Based Primal-Dual Heuristic for the Solution of Multicommodity Network Flow Problems, Transportation Science, 27(2):102-117, 1993.
- Sheffi, Y., S. Yan, and B. Teitelbaum. Optimal Loading of Transportation Conveyances, Annals of the Society of Logistics Engineers, 2(1):8-25, August 1990.
- Lamar, B., Y. Sheffi, and W. Powell. A Capacity Improvement Lower Bound for Fixed Charge Network Design Problems, Operations Research, 37(4):704-711, July-August, 1990.

- Smith, S. and Y. Sheffi. Locomotive Scheduling Under Uncertain Demand, Transportation Research Record, 1251:45-54, June 1990.
- Powell, W. and Y. Sheffi. Design and Implementation of an Interactive Optimization System for Network Design in the Motor Carrier Industry. Operations Research, 37(1):12-29, January-February 1989.

- Powell, W., Y. Sheffi, K. Nickerson, K. Butterbaugh, and S. Atherton. Maximizing Profits for Truckload Carriers: A New Framework for Pricing and Operations, Interfaces, 18(1):21-42, January-February 1988.

This paper won second prize, Edelman Prize Award for Management Science Achievement, 1987.
- Eckstein, J. and Y. Sheffi. Optimization of Group Line-Haul Operations for Motor Carriers Using Twin Trailer Trucks. Transportation Research Record, 1120:12-23, May 1987.
- Lamar, B. and Y. Sheffi. An Implicit Enumeration Method for LTL Network Design, Transportation Research Record, 1120:1-11, May 1987.
- Sheffi, Y., and W. Powell. Interactive Optimization for Motor Carrier Load Planning, Journal of Business Logistics, 7(2):64-91, October 1986.

- Lamar, B., Y. Sheffi, and W. Powell. Bounding Procedures for Fixed Charge, Multicommodity Network Design Problems, December 1984.

- Powell, W.B., Y. Sheffi, and S. Thriez. The Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Problem with Uncertain Demands, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Theory of Transportation, Delpht, Holland, July 1984.
- Powell, Y. and Y. Sheffi. The Load Planning Problems of LTL Carriers: Problem Description and Solution Approach, Transportation Research, 17A(6):421-480, November 1983.
Traffic Flow Theory and Traffic Engineering
- Sheffi, Y. and W. Powell. Optimal Signal Setting Subject to Equilibrium Constraints Over Transportation Networks,. American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation Journal, 109(6):824-839, November 1983.
- Mahmassani, H. and Y. Sheffi. Using Gap Sequence to Estimate Gap Acceptance Functions, Transportation Research, 15B(3):143-148, June 1981.
- Jacobsen, J. and Y. Sheffi. An Analytical Model of Traffic Delays Under Signal Preemption: Theory and Application, Transportation Research, 15B(2):127-139, April 1981.
- Sheffi, Y. A Simple Equilibrium Analysis of Designating a Freeway Lane to Exclusive Bus Use, Transportation Research Record, 775:7-11, March 1981.
- Sheffi, Y. A Note on the Turn and Arrival Likelihood Algorithms of Traffic Assignment, Transportation Research, 13B:147-150, June 1979.
- Powell, W. and Y. Sheffi. A Probabilistic Model of Bus Route Performance, Transportation Research, 17A(4):376-404, July 1983.
- Tykulsker, R., K.K. O'Neil, A. Cedar, and Y. Sheffi. A Computer Rail Crew Assignment/Work Rules Model, Third International Workshop on Transit Vehicle and Crew Scheduling, Montreal, Canada, June 1983.
- Sheffi, Y. and Sugiyama, M. Optimal Bus Scheduling for a Single Bus Route: The Time Dependent Case, Transportation Research Record, 895:46-62, May 1983.
Transportation Safety
- Brittain, D. and Y. Sheffi. The Passive Restraint Controversy: Analysis and Recommendations, Transportation Research Record, 844:70-77, September 1982.
- Sheffi, Y. A Note On the Use of Computer Graphics in Network Evacuation Studies, IEEE Computer Graphics and Application Journal, 2(7):57-62, September 1982.
- Sheffi, Y., H. Mahmassani, and W. Powell. A Transportation Network Evacuation Model, Transportation Research, 16A(3):209-218, May 1982.
- Sheffi, Y. and D. Brittain. Automotive Safety: Passive Restraints vs. Mandatory Seat Belt Wearing, Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, 52(2):26-30, February 1982.
- Sheffi, Y., H. Mahmassani, and W. Powell. Evacuation Studies for Nuclear Plant Sites: A New Challenge for Transportation Engineers, Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, 51(6):25-28, June 1981.
Gas Shortage Management
- Prins, V. and Y. Sheffi.. An Empirical Evaluation of Gasoline Purchase Behavior Under Shortfall Conditions,. Transportation, 10(3):210-219, September 1982.
- Sheffi, Y. and V. Prins. A Dual Price System for Gasoline Lines Management, Transportation Research Record, 801:60-67, October 1981.
Elevator Systems
- Sheffi, Y. Elevator Systems Configuration Optimization, American Society of Civil Engineering Transportation Journal, 105:127-140, March 1979.
Disaggregate Demand Models
- Sheffi, Y. and Z. Tarem. Experiments with Optimal Sampling for Multinomial Logit Models, Transportation Research Record, 944:141-147, September 1984.
- Sheffi, Y. Aggregation and Equilibrium with Multinomial Logit Models, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 8:121-127, April 1984.
- Daganzo, C. and Y. Sheffi. Multinomial Probit with Time Series Data: Unifying State Dependence and Serial Correlation Models, Environment and Planning, A14:1377-1388, November 1982.
- Sheffi, Y., R. Hall, and C. Daganzo. On the Estimation of the Multinomial Probit Model, Transportation Research, 16A(6):447-456, November 1982.
- Sheffi, Y. and H. Mahmassani. A Multinomial Probit Model of Drivers' Behavior at High Speed Signalized Intersections, Transportation Science, 15(1):50-61, February 1981.
- Sheffi, Y. Estimating Choice Probabilities Among Nested Alternatives, Transportation Research, 13B:189-206, September 1979.
- Daganzo, C., F. Bouthelier, and Y. Sheffi.. Multinomial Probit and Qualitative Choice: A Computationally Efficient Algorithm, Transportation Science, 11(4):338-358, November 1977.
Urban Transportation Networks and Traffic Equilibrium Models
- Sheffi, Y. and C. Barnhart. XNET: An Extended Traffic Assignment Model, American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation Journal, 113(4):450-463, July 1987.
- Sheffi, Y. Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis With Mathematical Programming Techniques. Prentice Hall, October 1984.
- Sheffi, Y. and W. Powell. Optimal Signal Setting Subject to Equilibrium Constraints Over Transportation Networks, American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation Journal, 109(6):824-839, November 1983.
- Sheffi, Y. and W. Powell. An Algorithm for the Traffic Assignment Problem with Random Link Costs, Networks, 12:191-207, May 1982.
- Prins, V. and Y. Sheffi. An Empirical Evaluation of Gasoline Purchase Behavior Under Shortfall Conditions,. Transportation, 10(3):210-219, September 1982.
- Powell, W. and Y. Sheffi. The Convergence of Equilibrium Algorithms with Predetermined Step Sizes, Transportation Science, 16(1):55-65, February 1982.
- Sheffi, Y. and V. Prins. A Dual Price System for Gasoline Lines Management, Transportation Research Record, 801:60-67, October 1981.
- Sheffi, Y. A Simple Equilibrium Analysis of Designating a Freeway Lane to Exclusive Bus Use, Transportation Research Record, 775:7-11, March 1981.
- Sheffi, Y. and W. Powell. A Comparison of Stochastic and Deterministic Traffic Assignment Over Congested Networks, Transportation Research, 15B(1):53-64, February 1981.
- Mahmassani, H. and Y. Sheffi. Queuing and Search Delays Due to Gasoline Station Closings: A Simple Equilibrium Framework,Transportation Research Record, 764:32-37, November 1980.
- Sheffi, Y. and R. Trexler. On The Accuracy of the Continuum Approximation Spatial Aggregation Algorithm of Traffic Assignment, Transportation Science, 14(4):306-324, November 1980.
- Sheffi, Y. and C. Daganzo. Computation and Equilibrium Over Transportation Networks: The Case of Disaggregate Demand Models, Transportation Science, 14(2):155-173, May 1980.
- Sheffi, Y. and W. Powell. Equivalent Minimization Programs and Solution Algorithms for Stochastic Equilibrium Transportation Network Problems, Proceedings of the Eleventh Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, January 1980; Congressus Numerantium, 28:81-116, December 1980.
- Sheffi, Y. and C. Daganzo. Hypernetworks and Supply-Demand Equilibrium with Disaggregate Demand Models, Transportation Research Record, 673:1213-121, April 1979.
- Sheffi, Y. and C. Daganzo. Another Paradox of Traffic Flow, Transportation Research, 12(1):43-46, February 1978.
- Daganzo, C. and Y. Sheffi. On Stochastic Models of Traffic Assignment, Transportation Science, 11:253-274, August 1977.
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