SP753 Design Notebook Exercise 3
Design Notebook Exercise 3
Scaled Designs:

Incubators are currently available in many different sizes, merely changing the scale of an exisisting design is not especially useful, though it could help in reducing the cost, in some cases. Some features on existing incubators which seem useful are:
    »clear interior door to keep heat in while allowing visible inspection.
    »easy to clean interior.
    »temperature indicator.
    »water reservoir for maintaining humidity
Evolutionary Designs:

Use an existing incubator and change the power source to an alternate source of electricity (solar, battery)

Somehow adapt a water bath so that it heats the interior chamber.

Revolutionary Designs:

Use a reservoir of a phase-change material to store energy at a constant temperature. Some energy source would be required to heat the material initially, but then it would remain at a relatively constant temperature for an extended period of time.
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