Archive for February, 2005

Gorillas In the Midst

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

Paul: we’re all still stuck with our endless cravings and aversions.


Fogueira: I think the difference between our philosophies is I don’t KNOW that they’re endless and you think they probably are. :)


That probably sums it up, dear friend. It’s a conclusion I came to, in the wake of great suffering, after 30 years on the path - in this lifetime.

As for your not knowing, I can offer you an experiment that might or might not be helpful: (more…)

Bitter in The Mouth - Sweet in the Stomach

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

Fogueira: If I have understood correctly, even if I drop everything right now and think Shinran was onto something, and I believe his vow is going to “save” me, I’m not going to “become a Buddha” until “next time”.


That is exactly what Buddha teaches in the Larger Sutra, when it comes to plain people like me, Fogueira. (more…)

Gratitude Even Through the Tears

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

LuanTaoChe: Dear Brother Paul,

Thank you for sharing your experience of Jessie in The Pure Land, as a full Buddha.


Dear LuanTaoChe -

We’ve never met, and probably never will, this side of death.

But it is clear that we share the same reality. (more…)