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Center for Transportation & Logistics
Center for Coordination Sciences
ISCM Home  »  Sponsors  »  Events  »   2000  »  Review & Planning Session

2000 Review and 2001 Planning Session

Meeting Summary

November 28-29, 2000
 » Conclusion - ISCM Plans for 2001
Jim Rice, Director MIT ISCM

Review of ISCM 2000 - Financial, Research, Events, Sponsor
Jim Rice, Director MIT ISCM


The Impact of OnLine Reverse Auctions on Supply Relationship
Sandy Jap, Assistant Professor Of Marketing, MIT Sloan

 » Research Proposal
Prof. David Simchi-Levi, MIT Engineering Systems Division
 » Research Proposal
Rob Laubacher, MIT Center for Coordination Science
 » The Networked Enterprise
Shelly Lin, Cisco Systems
 » The Internet of Things
Dr. David Brock, MIT Auto-ID Center



  Copyright© 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Comments and questions to Christopher A. Barajas