Professor Timothy L. Grove
Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
Building & Room: 54-1220a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 253-2878; Fax: (617) 253-7102
Main Homepage
12.486: Advanced Igneous Petrology home
Recommended texts
"Classic" Petrologic Localities
Reading list
Earth, Amospheric & Planetary Sciences
Contemporary Textbooks
CTV, Carmichael, Turner and Verhoogen, Igneous Petrology, McGraw Hill, 1974
McB, MacBirney, Igneous Petrology, Freeman, Cooper and Co., 1984
W, Wilson, Igneous Petrogenesis, Unwin Hyman, 1989
H, Hall, Igneous Petrology, 2nd edition, Longman, 1996
Bowen, The Evolution of the Igneous Rocks, 1928
Daly, Igneous Rocks and the Depths of the Earth, 1933
A selection of other useful references
BSVP, Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets, 1981
Morse, Basalts and Phase Diagrams, 1980
Wager and Brown, Layered Igneous Rocks, 1967
Tuttle and Bowen, Origin of Granite in light of experimental studies, GSA Memoir No. 74
Hess and Poldevaart, Basalts, v. 1 and 2, 1967
Crawford, Bonintes, 1989
Arndt, Komatiites, 1979
Gill, Orogenic Andesites, 1981
Ashwal, Anorthosites, 1993
Mason, Meteorites, 1962
Taylor, Lunar Science, A post-Apollo View, 1975
Phipps Morgan, et al, Mantle Flow and Melt Generation at mid-Ocean Ridges, AGU Monograph71, 1992
Nixon, Mantle Xenoliths, 1987
Useful texts for microscopy
Tilley, Nockolds and Black, Harker's Petrology for Students, Cambridge, 1954
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