SIGDOC 98 Preliminary Program
NOTE: This is a preliminary program and is subject to change.
Wednesday, September 23, 1998
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Welcome to SIGDOC 98, Borduas Room, 3rd floor
Kathy Haramundanis, SIGDOC Chair
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Rigo Award address, Borduas Room, 3rd floor
Are Graphics Becoming Multimedia Monsters?
Patricia Wright, 1998 Rigo Award winner
3:00 - 3:30 pm
Afternoon break
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Technical Sessions
Session 1: Knowledge Management
Room, 3rd floor
Moderator: Stephanie Rosenbaum, Tec-ed, Inc.
- The Evolution of Knowledge Management within NCR Corporation
Maria Babilon, NCR Corporation
- Documentation Meets a Knowledge Base: Blurring the Distinction Between
Writing and Consulting
Anne L. Jackson, Greg Lyon and Janet Eaton, University of Michigan
- Building a Home-grown Knowledge Base: Don't Wait for the Resources -
Build a Prototype
Susan Jones and Carol Wood, MIT
Session 2: Training and Documentation
Morrice-Lismer Room, 3rd floor
Moderator: Millie McGuire, Lucent Technologies
- Combining Training and Customer Documentation into Modular, Reusable
Lee Anne Center, Lori Ely, Greg Henderson, and James Moran, Lucent
5 - 7 pm
SIGDOC 98 Reception, Place Montcalm Room, lower
Thursday, September 24
7:30 - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast, Borduas Room, 3rd floor
8:30 - 10 am
Technical Sessions
Session 3: Print vs Online Documentation
Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Mary Ellen Bushnell, MIT
- Customers Use of and Preferences with Print Documentation
Karl L. Smart, Brigham Young University
- Are Electrons Better than Papyrus (Or Can Adobe Acrobat Reader Files
Replace Hardcopy)?
Harold Henke, IBM Corporation
Session 4: Getting Feedback on your Web Site
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Purdue University
- Designing and Developing Customer Satisfaction Surveys on WWW Sites
Susan Feinberg and Peter Y. Johnson, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Using Web Server Logs to Improve Site Design
M. Carl Drott, Drexel University
10 -10:30 am
Morning Break
10:30 - noon
Technical Sessions
Session 5: Document Design Concepts
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Michael Carver, ABB Power T & D Company
- Documentation Integrity for Safety-critical Applications: The COHERE
David G. Novick and Joel Juillet, European Institute of Cognitive Sciences
and Engineering
- Designing Usable Lists
Tom Moran, Rochester Institute of Technology
Session 6: Help System Design Concepts
, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Frank Sullivan, Microsoft Corporation
- Who Exactly is Trying to Help Us? The Ethos of Help Systems in Popular
Computer Applications
Neil Randall and Isabel Pederson, University of Waterloo
- Novel Help for Online Help
Cécile Paris and Nadine Ozkan, CSIRO/MIS
noon -1:30 pm
Awards lunch, Borduas Room, 3rd floor
After Lunch speaker and Diana Award winner Netscape, represented by Greg
1:30 - 3 pm
Technical Sessions
Session 7: Q and A with Patricia Wright, Room 415,
4th floor
Session 8: Web Navigation
, Jean-Paul
Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Robin Green, IBM Toronto Laboratory
- Kiosk-based User Testing of Online Books
Jean Scholtz and Sharon Laskowski, National Institute of Standards and
- A Comparison of Two Current E-commerce Sites
Roger Tilson, IBM Corporation
Session 9: Meeting Beginning and Advanced Users Needs
, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Stuart Selber, Penn State University
- Technical Documents Designed to Fit the Beginner: A Recursive Process
Monica Younger, University of Colorado, Denver
- A Wizard for Wizards: Decision Support for the New or Despairing User
Michael Priestley, IBM canada
- The Zen of Minimalism: Designing a Top-of-class Manual
for Beginners and Experienced Users
Carl Stieren, Simware Inc.
3 - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Break
3:30 - 5 pm
Technical Sessions
Session 10: Document Repositories and Retrieval
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Chuck Fite, DST Systems, Inc.
- Electronic Colloquia: Idea and Practice
Harald Sack, Christoph Meinel, and Jochen Bern, Universitaet Trier, Germany
- ESSQL: An Enhanced Semi-structured Query Language for
Multiclient-multiserver Composite Document Retrieval in Both Office
Automation and WWW Environment
Yamashita, Rei-Jo, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Ito,
Tetsuro, Oita University, Yao, Hsiu-Hsen, Yuan-Ze Institute of Technology
Session 11: Working with XML
, Place
Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Vicki Schmolka, Independent Consultant
- Managing Software Design Documents over the Internet with XML
Junichi Suzuki and Yoshikazu Yamamoto, Keio University
- OpenTag: XML in the Localization Industry
Bill Burns and Walter Smith, ILE Corporation
Friday, September 25, 1998
7:30 - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast, Borduas Room, 3rd floor
8:30 - 10 am
Technical Sessions
Session 12: Year 2000
, Jean-Paul Lemieux
Room, lower level
Moderator: Phyllis Galt, MIT
- Technical Communicator as Software Tester for a Year 2000 Project
Mike Szczepanik, Compuware Corporation
- Writing for the Year 2000: A Short Course in Written Expression for Y2K
COBOL Programmers
Jim Ramsay, The Radiance Group, Inc.
Session 13: Graduate Student Symposium
: cancelled
Session 14: Delivering Information for a World Audience
, Place Montcalm Room, Lower Level
Moderator: Kathy Haramundanis, Compaq Computer Corporation
- Nudging a Global Glossary to the New Millennium
Stephanie Brucker and P. J. Schemenaur, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Meeting the Needs (and Preferences) of a Diverse World Wide Web
Deborah Hysell, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
10 - 10:30 am
Morning Break
10:30 - noon
Technical Sessions
Session 15: Usability Testing Methods
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Mary Ellen Bushnell, MIT
- Optimal Time for Obtaining Accurate Usability-test Results
Susan Harrison, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire and Phillipa Mancey,
IBM Corporation
- Evaluating On-line and Off-line Searching Behavior Using Thinking-aloud
Protocols to Detect Navigation Barriers
Luuk Van Waes, University of Antwerp
Session 16: Online Help in a Distributed Environment
, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Susan Jones, MIT
- Help Design Challenges in Network Computing
Ben Gelernter, Oracle Corporation
- Task-oriented or Task-disoriented: Designing a Usable Help Web
Michael Priestley, IBM canada
noon - 1:30 pm
Lunch on your Own
1:30 3 pm
Technical Sessions
Session 17: Technical Communications Departments
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
- Home Sweet Home: Where Do Technical Communication Departments Belong?
Michael Carver, ABB Power T & D Company and Nina Wishbow, Entrust
Session 18: Redesigning for the Web
, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: Cécile Paris, CSIRO/MIS
- Designing a WinHelp Application for Quick Conversion to
Lowest-common-denominator HTML-based Help: A Case Study
Laurie Kantner and Larry Rusinsky, Tec-Ed Inc.
- Productivity Tools for Web-based Information
Robin Green, IBM Toronto laboratory
- Creating an HTML Help System for Web-based Products
Laura Rintjema and Kara Warburton, IBM Canada
Session 19: Document Design and Production
, Room 415, 4th floor
Moderator: To be announced
- Goal-driven Task Analysis: Improving Situation Awareness for Complex
Michael J. Albers, Texas Tech University
- Applying the Act-function-phase Model to Aviation Documentation
David G. Novick, European Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Engineering
and Saïd Tazi, Université de Toulouse
- Managing a Third-party Alliance Documentation Development Project
Dawn Desplanque, Northern Telecom (Nortel)
3 - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Break
3:30 - 5 pm
Technical Sessions
Session 20: Professional Education
, Jean-Paul Lemieux Room, lower level
Moderator: Michael Priestley, IBM Canada
- But What Did We Learn...? Evaluating Online Learning as a Process
Paul Beam, University of Waterloo and Brian Cameron, IST
- Analysis of Student Web Browsing Behavior: Implications for Designing
and Evaluating Web Sites
Eva M. Thury, Drexel University
Session 21: Techniques for Web Design
, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
Moderator: David Novick, EURISCO
- Measuring the Usability Index of Your Web Site
Benjamin Keevil, Keevil and Associates
- Using HTML Frames for Institutional Web Sites
Glenn J. Broadhead, Oklahoma State University
- Creating Interactive Tutorials for the Web
Samantha Shurety, IBM Canada
5:00 - 5:30 pm
Closing session: News about SIGDOC 1999 in New Orleans, Place Montcalm Room, lower level
6:30 pm
SIGDOC 98 Banquet at the Auberge Saint-Antoine: A four course
gourmet dinner will be served, 17th century-style cabaret, in the rustic
setting of an ancient maritime warehouse. During the evening, you'll be
entertained with French Canadian traditional music and a genuine sword duel
between Samuel de Champlain and David Kirke.
Saturday, September 26, 1998
Full- and Half-day tutorials
Tutorial 1: Successful Independent Consulting: Cancelled
Tutorial 2: Training Online: Cancelled
Tutorial 3: SGML Authoring and Preparation of Web-based Learning
Materials: Cancelled
Tutorial 4: Usability's Front End: The Easily-forgotten Pieces: Cancelled
Tutorial 5: Understanding the Implications of New Technologies on Institutional Policies: IT's Time to Rethink: Cancelled
Tutorial 6: Document Design for Print and Web-based Documents
Half-day, 8:30 - noon
Instructor: Frank Sullivan, Microsoft Corporation
Content: Participants will work together to prototype print and
Web-based solutions to an information design problem, then analyze and
discuss similarities and differences between the two solutions. Time will
be spent focusing on how rhetorical strategies work differently in
Web-based and print-based solutions. Through group collaboration,
discussion and debate attendees will learn methods for sorting and
presenting information.
Objective: To bring together professionals to share their experience and
insight into the problem of organizing information for print and for the
Web. This will be an opportunity for attendees to step back from production
details to examine the larger issues involved in designing information for
the print and Web worlds.
Who should attend: Writers, editors, and designers of Web-based and
print-based documents.
Format: Hands-on exercises and discussion.
Tutorial 7: An Introduction to Usability Testing and the Web: Cancelled
Tutorial 8: Back to the Drawing Board: Foundations
for Effective Visual Communication: Cancelled
|Hotel Accomodations | Registration Fees | Registration |Introduction | Awards
Last updated 9/4/1998 by pgalt@mit.edu
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