TREX 2003 - IAP Trip to Hawai'i

Fighting Invading Species


Weeding in Koke'e

We put our equipment aside to visit Kauai and stay in cabins in Koke'e State Park at the Koke'e Conservation Commission. We all volunteered ourselves to help fight invading species. We worked in the field with machetes, weed pullers, and snippers to rid the forest of strawbery guava and ginger. Some volunteers used herbicides as well. Before leaving for Hawai'i, the students did research projects on invading species and the herbicides that are used to fight them.

Cutting away ginger   Indoor volunteerism
Jamie cuts away ginger plants that are taking over natural Hawaiian forests at Koke'e
When it rained, volunteerism moved indoors for upkeep work on the Conservation Commission's cabins.

Our students gave presentations on their herbicide research to the conservation and the park staff. We were all impressed by the committed staff at the camp and at how careful and sparing their applications of herbicides were. Six of the students that were going to take aquatic chemistry laboratory in the spring took soil samples home with them. Different groups will do column experiments on persistence of the herbicides as well as their mobility in the soil. Others will attempt to quantify and identify the presence of the herbicides used.

Giving presentations   Truckload of students returns
Presentations were well received and much appreciated at the audience asked pointed questions and diligently took copious notes.
  Truckload of students returning from the field.


Nelson plays the conch
The group listens to Nelson play the conch. While at Koke'e Nature preserve, Nelson gave a talk about Hawai'ian culture and crafts.


Naturalist David Boynton speaks to the group on their five mile hike through Koke'e State Park, Kauai.
Group pose for a picture with the Grand Canyon of Kauai in the background.


Field Research on Groundwater Intrusion
Fighting Invading Species
Investigations in Indigineous Hydrology, Agriculture, and Volcanology


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The Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering