The Team
Team Only

Project A²RES was founded a year ago when a group of MIT undergraduate students organized an interdisciplinary team with the task of developing an autonomous aircraft for AUVSI’s Student UAV competition.

While many competition teams already existed at MIT, these students imagined that building an autonomous vehicle for an aerial task would be a particularly difficult and rewarding challenge.

Now, they combine their knowledge and experience from aeronautical, mechanical and electrical engineering to solve a difficult problem, to gain hands-on engineering experience, and to win an intercollegiate competition.


The AUVSI North America conference and Student UAV Competition were held in the Washington, DC area from June 28-July 2. Unfortunately, our plane was lost in shipping in the weeks prior to the event. Although we were all disappointed that we couldn't compete, we gained valuable experience and we're sure we'll have a great showing at next year's competition.

If you're interested in helping us get there to compete, head to our sponsor page to learn about becoming an MIT UAV sponsor!