Carrying It Out
Providing Technical Assistance to Homeowners
Levels of Support for Self-Builders |
Source: Staff Appraisal Report Mozambique Urban Rehabilitation Project, July 1, 1988, World Bank. The support program is based on efforts of the Direccao de Construcao e Urbanizacao of the Maputo City Council through the Sector de Apoio a Auto-construcao, 1982.
Support may be provided in the following four ways for self-builders improving their dwellings:
Technical Support
- Provision of technical documents and plans: A variety of set plans could be provided to interested self-help builders.
- Possible construction of ‘show houses’: New and/or improved techniques can be easier shown in a full-scale model. Both the process of construction and the competed building
- Overall technical supervision
- Construction training courses
- On-site technical supervision of construction, with building control linked to material supply
Material Support
- On-site provision of building materials: A contract for direct material distribution from a local depot could be let for local building merchants, with preference to existing small suppliers.
- On-site fabrication of building components: These could include latrine slabs, sand-cement blocks and prefabricated lintels and doors and windows. These could be provided by an existing cooperative or small company or as an extension of an existing company.
- On-site availability of equipment and tools: Small tools are better sold and heavier equipment for transport, block making, and scaffolding could be on a hire basis.
Financial Support
- Building loans to cover material and/or construction costs
Organizational Support
- Formation of collective groups for building loan applications
- Training of collective groups for administration and accounts.