Uses of Class

Packages that use Vec
core.field This package contains a number of classes used to create and manipulate the images generated for a given animation of an experiment as it evolves. 
core.math This package contains a variety of classes which handle vector manipulations and the evolution of a given experiment as it evolves. 
core.postprocessing This package performs various operations on the images created by a given simulation of an experiment after the images are created by the classes in core.dflic
core.rendering This package handles all the code that draws and evolves the DLIC and the experiment. 
simulations.experiments This package contains all the experiments for the various electromagnetic experiments. 
simulations.experiments.electrostatics This package contains all the experiments for the various electrostatic experiments. 
simulations.experiments.faradaysLaw This package contains all the experiments for the various Faraday's Law experiments. 
simulations.experiments.magnetostatics This package contains all the experiments for the various magnetostatic experiments. 
simulations.experiments.radiation This package contains all the experiments for the various radiation experiments. 

Uses of Vec in core.field

Fields in core.field declared as Vec
 Vec EMVec2Field.RegionFlow
          Values of the flowspeed by region as determined by experiment.getFlowSpeed, when used.

Methods in core.field that return Vec
abstract  Vec VecTimeField.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Sets "v" to the value of the field at "p" at time "t".
 Vec VecTimeField.get(Vec p, double t)
          Returns: a new Vec with the value of the field at "p".

Methods in core.field with parameters of type Vec
abstract  Vec VecTimeField.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Sets "v" to the value of the field at "p" at time "t".
 Vec VecTimeField.get(Vec p, double t)
          Returns: a new Vec with the value of the field at "p".

Constructors in core.field with parameters of type Vec
EMVec2Field(EMVec2Field field, int FieldOrMotionFieldType, BaseExperiment experiment, Vec RegionFlow)

Uses of Vec in core.math

Fields in core.math declared as Vec
private  Vec RungeKuttaIntegration.x
          Variables used to compute the stages of the RK step.
private  Vec RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.xinput

Methods in core.math that return Vec
 Vec Vec3.toVec()
          Returns: a new Vec that is < 3, 'this' >
 Vec Vec2.toVec()
          Returns: a new Vec that is < 2, "this" >
 Vec Vec.newVec()
          Returns a new zero-vector of the same dimension as "this"
 Vec Vec.copy()
          Returns a copy of "this"
 Vec Vec.Set(Vec v)
          Sets the value of "this" to that of "v" Returns: resulting "this" Requres: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.SetZero()
          Sets "this" to be the zero-vector with the same dimension as "this" Returns: resulting "this"
 Vec Vec.Add(Vec v)
          Adds "v" to "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.add(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the sum of "this" and "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.AddScaled(Vec v, double s)
          Adds "s*v" to "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.addscaled(Vec v, double s)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the sum of "this" and "s*v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Sub(Vec v)
          Subtracts "v" from "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requres: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.sub(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the difference between "this" and "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Neg()
          Negates "this" Returns: resulting "this"
 Vec Vec.neg()
          Returns: a new Vec that is the opposite of "this"
 Vec Vec.Scale(double s)
          Scales "this" by "s" Returns: resulting "this"
 Vec Vec.scale(double s)
          Returns: a new Vec that is "s*this"
 Vec Vec.Scale(Vec v)
          Scales each component of "this" by the corresponding component of "v" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.scale(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is "this" with its components scaled by "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Unit()
          Rescales "this" to be of unit magnitude Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" is not zero
 Vec Vec.unit()
          Returns: a new Vec that is "this" scaled to unit magnitude Requires: "this" is not zero
 Vec Vec.Para(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" parallel to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.para(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" parallel to "d" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.ParaUnit(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" parallel to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.paraunit(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" parallel to "d" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.Perp(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.perp(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.PerpUnit(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.perpunit(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.ComputeStep(double s, double ds, int dim)
static Vec RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.rungeKuttaFourthOrder(VecTimeField field, Vec X_at_s, Vec dXds_at_s, double s_start, double h, int dim)
          This is the basic fourth order RungeKutta stepping routine.

Methods in core.math with parameters of type Vec
 Vec3 Vec3.Set(Vec v)
          Sets 'this' to 'v' Returns: resulting 'this' Requires: 'v' has dimension 3
 Vec2 Vec2.Set(Vec v)
          Sets "this" to "v" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "v" has dimension 2
private  void Vec.assertDim(Vec v)
          Used internally to verify that "v" has the same dimension as "this"
 Vec Vec.Set(Vec v)
          Sets the value of "this" to that of "v" Returns: resulting "this" Requres: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 boolean Vec.equals(Vec v)
          Returns: true if "this" and "v" are equal, false otherwise Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Add(Vec v)
          Adds "v" to "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.add(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the sum of "this" and "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.AddScaled(Vec v, double s)
          Adds "s*v" to "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.addscaled(Vec v, double s)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the sum of "this" and "s*v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Sub(Vec v)
          Subtracts "v" from "this" Returns: resulting "this" Requres: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.sub(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the difference between "this" and "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 double v)
          Returns: the dot product of "this" and "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Scale(Vec v)
          Scales each component of "this" by the corresponding component of "v" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.scale(Vec v)
          Returns: a new Vec that is "this" with its components scaled by "v" Requires: "this" and "v" have the same dimension
 Vec Vec.Para(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" parallel to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.para(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" parallel to "d" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.ParaUnit(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" parallel to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.paraunit(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" parallel to "d" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.Perp(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.perp(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Requires: "d" is not zero
 Vec Vec.PerpUnit(Vec d)
          Isolates the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Returns: resulting "this" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 Vec Vec.perpunit(Vec d)
          Returns: a new Vec that is the component of "this" perpendicular to "d" Requires: "d" has unit magnitude
 void RungeKuttaIntegration.Evolve(VecTimeField field, Vec x, double s, double ds)
          Evolve the system from x at s to the new x at x + ds, in one step or a number of small steps, depending on what is requested.
 void RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.Evolve(VecTimeField field, Vec xinput, double s, double ds, double eps, double hmin)
static double[] RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.rungeKuttaQualityControl(VecTimeField field, Vec Xnew, Vec dXds, double sgiven, double htry, double eps, Vec Xscal, int dim)
          Given a value of X and dX/ds at s, a stepsize h, an allowed error, and a way to compute dX/ds at new points, this method will return a new value of the dependent variables X at s, where s incremented over s by an amount not more than h, but perhaps much less than h, but with an error in X of less than the desired error.
static Vec RungeKuttaErrorIntegration.rungeKuttaFourthOrder(VecTimeField field, Vec X_at_s, Vec dXds_at_s, double s_start, double h, int dim)
          This is the basic fourth order RungeKutta stepping routine.
 void EulerIntegration.Evolve(VecTimeField field, Vec x, double s, double ds)

Constructors in core.math with parameters of type Vec
Vec3(Vec v)
          Constructs a new Vec3 = 'v' Requires: 'v' has dimension 3
Vec2(Vec v)
          Constructs a new Vec2 = "v" Requires: "v" has dimension 2
Vec(Vec v)
          Constructs a new vector that is a copy of vector "v"

Uses of Vec in core.postprocessing

Fields in core.postprocessing declared as Vec
 Vec Colorizer.RegionColor
          These are the values of the colors if we color by region.

Constructors in core.postprocessing with parameters of type Vec
Colorizer(double MyTargetHue, double MyTargetSaturation, double MyTargetValue, double MysaturationPoint, double MyfallOff, boolean MyBrighten, boolean MyflatColor, Vec RegionColor, BaseExperiment experiment, BaseObject emsource, Vec3 symVec3, Vec3 Xdir, Vec3 Ydir, double scale)
          This constructor is used when we are coloring by region.

Uses of Vec in core.rendering

Fields in core.rendering declared as Vec
(package private)  Vec Renderer.RegionColor
          RegionColor for when we use different colors in different regions of the image
(package private)  Vec Renderer.RegionFlow
          RegionFlow for when we use different flow speeds in different regions of the image

Methods in core.rendering that return Vec
 Vec Renderer.GetRegionColor()
          GetRegionColor() returns colors of the various color regions, if used.
 Vec Renderer.GetRegionFlow()
          GetRegionFlow() returns flow speeds of the various flow regions, if used.

Methods in core.rendering with parameters of type Vec
 void Renderer.SetRegionColor(Vec RegionColor)
          SetRegionColor() sets the colors of the various color regions, if used.
 void Renderer.SetRegionFlow(Vec RegionFlow)
          SetRegionFlow() sets the flow speeds of the various flow regions, if used.

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments

Methods in simulations.experiments with parameters of type Vec
abstract  double BaseExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
abstract  double BaseExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments.electrostatics

Methods in simulations.experiments.electrostatics that return Vec
 Vec TwoChargesExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.
 Vec ColorTestExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.
 Vec ChargeInFieldExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)

Methods in simulations.experiments.electrostatics with parameters of type Vec
 double TwoChargesExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double TwoChargesExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec TwoChargesExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.
 double ColorTestExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec2 xpos, Vec RegionColor, Vec RegionParameter)
 double ColorTestExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow, Vec RegionParameter)
 double ColorTestExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double ColorTestExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec ColorTestExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.
 double ChargeInFieldExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double ChargeInFieldExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec ChargeInFieldExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments.faradaysLaw

Methods in simulations.experiments.faradaysLaw that return Vec
 Vec TwoPlanesExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec RecedingImageExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec MovingReceedingImageExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec MovingRecedingImagePotentialExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec FallingRingExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec EddyCurrentsMonopoleExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 Vec EddyCurrentsDipoleExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.

Methods in simulations.experiments.faradaysLaw with parameters of type Vec
 double TwoPlanesExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double TwoPlanesExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec TwoPlanesExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double RecedingImageExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double RecedingImageExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec RecedingImageExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double MovingReceedingImageExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double MovingReceedingImageExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec MovingReceedingImageExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double MovingRecedingImagePotentialExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double MovingRecedingImagePotentialExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec MovingRecedingImagePotentialExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double FallingRingExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double FallingRingExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec FallingRingExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double EddyCurrentsMonopoleExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double EddyCurrentsMonopoleExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec EddyCurrentsMonopoleExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.
 double EddyCurrentsDipoleExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double EddyCurrentsDipoleExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 Vec EddyCurrentsDipoleExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the vector representing the dependent variables of the experiment and the time, returns the time derivatives of those variables.

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments.fluidFlow

Methods in simulations.experiments.fluidFlow that return Vec
 Vec HeliosphereFlowExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.

Methods in simulations.experiments.fluidFlow with parameters of type Vec
 double HeliosphereFlowExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
 double HeliosphereFlowExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
 Vec HeliosphereFlowExperiment.Motion.get(Vec p, double t, Vec v)
          Given the state of the system p at time t, computes its first time derivatives and puts them in v, and returns v.
 double DataInputExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double DataInputExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 double CirculatingFlowExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double CirculatingFlowExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments.magnetostatics

Methods in simulations.experiments.magnetostatics with parameters of type Vec
 double TeachSpinExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double TeachSpinExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.

Uses of Vec in simulations.experiments.radiation

Methods in simulations.experiments.radiation with parameters of type Vec
 double OscillatingDipoleExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double OscillatingDipoleExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.
 double ElectricAntennaExperiment.getHue(double TargetHue, Vec3 r, Vec RegionColor)
          Method to find the hue in a given region when we are coloring according to region (Color Mode 4).
 double ElectricAntennaExperiment.getFlowSpeed(Vec3 r, Vec RegionFlow)
          Method to find the flow speed in a given region when we are determining that speed according to region.