Package components

Class Summary
Absorber Absorber is a mutable object that can take in a ball and shoot it out.
AbsorberFactory an AbsorberFactory is an immutable object that creates Absorbers
Ball A Ball is a mutable object that bounces around the GameSpace
BallFactory A BallFactory is an immutable object that makes Balls
CircleBumper A CircleBumper is a mutable object that represents a Cylindrically Shaped bumper
CircleFactory A CircleFactory is an immutable object that creates CircleBumpers and extends GameObjectFactory
Flipper A Flipper is a mutable object that represents a flipper in the game A flipper
GameObject GameObject is the most basic description of an object in gizmo ball.
GameObjectFactory<G extends GameObject> GameObjectFactory creates GameObjects.
GameSettings GameSettings is a mutable object that holds gamesettings
GameSpace GameSpace is the game board where a game of Gizmoball take place
KeyRegistry KeyRegistry is a mutable object that stores the key triggers that the game should respond to.
LeftFlipper A LeftFlipper extends Flipper, and flips in the left direction.
LeftFlipperFactory LeftFlipperFactory is an immutable object that creates left oriented Flippers and extends GameObjectFactory
RightFlipper A RightFlipper extends Flipper, and flips in the left direction.
RightFlipperFactory A RightFlipperFactory is an immutable class that creates right oriented Flipper and extends GameObjectFactory
SquareBumper a SquareBumper is a mutable object that represents a cube shaped bumper.
SquareFactory a SquareFactory is an immutable object that creates cube-shaped bumpers and extends GameObjectFactory
TimeProfiler TimeProfiler objects allow a programmer to profile the running time of his or her code.
TriangleBumper a TriangleBumper is a mutable object that represents a cube shaped bumper.
TriangleFactory a SquareFactory is an immutable object that creates cube-shaped bumpers and extends GameObjectFactory
Wall Wall is a mutable object that specifies the outside boundaries of a GameSpace.
XMLReader This class is used to read xml data and load it into a GameSpace.
XMLWriter XMLWriter is used to take a gamespace and a file or filename, and write the gamespace information to that file.

Enum Summary
GameObjectClassification GameObjectClassification is a tag that describes a GameObject This is the enum of GameObjectType that exists, it is useful for new gizmo construction.