MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

Frequently Asked Questions Site Map FAQ & Sitemap

FAQ Index > Admissions > 1 | 2

What is your Application Fee? Deadline?
The application fee is $70. Application deadline is January 15.

Do I need to fill out the "Record of Subjects taken in Preparation for Graduate Study," a form that’s included in the MIT Applications packet?
You do not need to fill out this form -- the Record of Subjects Taken in Preparation for Graduate Study; your Transcript will suffice.

I attended an academic institution in another country and I am living in the U.S. right now. Is it necessary for me to get the transcript from this other institution?
We would like to see official transcripts from all institutions that you attended. In all likelihood this means you will probably have to get in contact with these institutions.

How can I obtain an MIT Bulletin?
Detailed subject listings and information on obtaining MIT's Bulletin (via US mail) can be found on MIT's online catalogue.

Where do I send my application and any additional materials?
You can send the majority of your materials directly to MIT with your application to the office of graduate admissions. If you would like to submit additional materials, such as a portfolio or digital project, please send these directly to the CMS office. Unfortunately, we will not be able to return submitted materials.

If I am accepted do I have to let you know by a particular date?
According to a Graduate School Consortium, to which MIT belongs, we will not require a student to make a decision before April 15, but we like to know as soon as possible whether or not a student accepts our offer.

Does MIT provide housing for graduate students?
Unfortunately, MIT does not provide on-campus housing for graduate students. Informally, current students might be able to house visitors. You can check out the MIT Housing Office homepage for places to stay in the area:

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