woman being photographed

Affiliated Faculty


Michael Fischer
Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology and Society
Stefan Helmreich
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Susan Slyomovics
Professor of Anthropology
Head, Anthropology
Christine Walley
Assistant Professor of Anthropology


William J. Mitchell
Professor of Architecture
Academic Head, Media Arts and Sciences
Krzysztof Wodiczko
Professor of Visual Arts, Architecture

Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ian Condry
Assistant Professor of Japanese, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Isabelle de Courtivron
Professor of French Studies, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Ann F. Friedlaender Professor in the Humanities
MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Director of Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies
Ellen W. Crocker
Senior Lecturer in German, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Kurt Fendt
Research Associate, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Gilberte Furstenberg
Senior Lecturer in French, Foreign Languages and Literature
Shigeru Miyagawa
Kochi Prefecture-John Manjiro Professor of Japanese
Douglas M. Morgenstern
Senior Lecturer in Spanish, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Charity Scribner
Assistant Professor of European Cultural Studies, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Jinhua Emma Teng
Associate Professor of Chinese, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Edward Baron Turk
Professor of French, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Jing Wang
S. C. Fang Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies
Head, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Bernd Widdig
Director, MIT-Germany Program, Foreign Languages and Literatures


Christopher Capozzola
Assistant Professor of History
John W. Dower
Professor of History
Peter C. Perdue
Professor of History
Jeffrey S. Ravel
Associate Professor of History


Mary Fuller
Associate Professor of Literature
Diana Henderson
Associate Professor of Literature
Wyn Kelley
Senior Lecturer of Literature
Shankar Raman
Associate Professor of Literature
David Thorburn
Professor of Literature
Director, MIT Communications Forum
MacVicar Faculty Fellow

Media Laboratory

Glorianna Davenport
Principal Research Associate of Media Laboratory
Director, Interactive Cinema
Co-Founder, MediaLabEurope

Music and Theater Arts

Martin Marks

Senior Lecturer of Music and Theater Arts
Janet Sonenberg
Associate Professor of Theater Arts
Director of the Theater Arts Program
Thomas DeFrantz
Associate Professor of Theater Arts
Acting Associate Director, Comparative Media Studies (fall 2004)


Irving Singer
Professor of Philosophy

Political Science

Chappell Lawson
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Science, Technology, and Society

Joseph Dumit
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology, and Society
Sherry Turkle
Professor of Science, Technology, and Society

Urban Studies and Planning

Eric Klopfer
Assistant Professor of Education, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Director, Teacher Education Program

Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies

Edward Barrett
Senior Lecturer, Writing and Humanistic Studies
Aden Evens
Assistant Professor, Writing and Humanistic Studies
Tom Levenson
Assistant Professor of Science Writing

Anthony Lioi
Assistant Professor, Writing and Humanistic Studies

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