The Net Advance of Physics: The Nature of Dark Matter, by Kim Griest -- Section 7D.
Next: Detection Efficiency
Up: Baryonic Dark Matter (Machos)
Previous: The MACHO Collaboration Experiment
Most of the stars we monitor are constant within our photometric
errors, but about one half of one percent are variable. The MACHO
database, as repository for the largest survey ever undertaken in the
time domain, is an extremely valuable resource for studies of
variable stars. From our first year LMC data alone we have already
identified about 1500 Cepheid variables, 8000 RR Lyrae, 2200
eclipsing binaries, and 19000 long period variables. Example
lightcurves from each of these classes can be found in reference
[46,47]. We also have many rare variables, and have given the first
conclusive evidence of 1st overtone pulsation in classical Cepheids
[48]. We have also observed what may turn out to be entirely new
types of variable stars [46].
Given that the incidence of stellar variability, systematic error, and
other sources of stellar brightening is much higher than the
incidence of microlensing, how can one hope to discriminate the
signal from the background among the tens of millions of stars we
monitor nightly? Fortunately, there are several very powerful
microlensing signatures which exist:
we can set our
types of systematic error background.
completely specify the 2-color lightcurve.
wavelengths, unlike brightenings caused by most types of
stellar variability.
occurring on the same star is so small, that any star with more
than one ``event" can be rejected as a microlensing candidate.
is known a priori. Microlensing should occur with equal
likelihood on every type and luminosity of star, unlike known
types of stellar variability. New microlensing events should be
discovered each year at a constant rate.
catch microlensing before the peak and get many
measurements of high accuracy. Other spectral and
achromaticity tests can also be performed in follow-up mode.
Using these criteria, as well as others, we have found it possible to
pick out microlensing candidates from variable stars, etc. For
example, starting with about 9.5 million lightcurves from our first
year LMC database, we remove all but 3. These are shown in
Figure 7 ([fig], [captions]).
One of these events is clearly superior in signal/noise to the others,
and we have confidence in the microlensing label.
It has
certainly consistent with microlensing, are less certain to be actual
microlensing. We should note that our alert system has found a
couple more high signal/noise LMC microlensing events, which are
not included here, since we have performed efficiency calculations
only on the first year data set.
Now, if we had found only these 3 events towards the LMC, we
would not be as confident as we are, that we have seen microlensing.
However, we have many more events towards the galactic bulge,
and some of these are of incredibly high signal/noise. We cannot use
the same selection criteria for the bulge as for the LMC since our
observing schedule towards the bulge is different, and the bulge
stellar population, distance, crowding, and extinction are different,
but using the same statistics, we can make a similar selection
procedure. We find about 43 candidates in our first year data (and
since then a few dozen more in our alert system). Examples of
lightcurves from the bulge are shown in Figure 8 ([fig], [captions]).
Some of these
events are truly beautiful, with durations of many
months and
magnifications of almost 20. Coupled with the dozen
events from
the OGLE collaboration, I think little doubt remains
microlensing has been seen.
Event Selection
threshold high enough to avoid many
days. The other two, while passing all our cuts, and
Next: Detection Efficiency
Up: Baryonic Dark Matter (Machos)
Previous: The MACHO Collaboration Experiment