Tropical vs. Extra-Tropical Cyclones -- Summary Table


Tropical Cyclones

Extra-Tropical Cyclones


Circular, symmetric Elongated, asymmetric


Smaller, typically tens to hundreds of miles wide Larger, typically over a thousand miles wide


Tropics and subtropics (5-30 N or S), in local summer Mid-latitudes (30-50 N or S), strongest in local winter

Energy source

Warm tropical ocean water Temperature contrast between air masses

Atmosphere required for development

Warm, humid, relatively uniform Contrast required between warm/humid and cold/dry air masses

Location of strongest winds

Lower atmosphere (below 1 mile) Upper atmosphere (around 6 miles)

Vertical structure

Aligned in vertical Strongly tilted, upper level circulation far from low-level circulation

Maximum spin rate relative to Earth's spin

Faster Slower


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