July 25, 1988
Prof. Samuel Huntington
Soviet Union
September 9–11, 1988
Dr. Ed A. Hewett
Prof. Stanley Hoffman
Prof. Gail Lapidus
Prof. Robert Legvold
Prof. Stephen Meyer
Prof. Victor Zaslavsky
Western Europe
October 3, 1988
Pierre Hassner
Dr. Josef Joffe
November 7, 1988
Prof. Richard Samuels
Amb. Koji Watanabe
Iran and Islam
December 5, 1988
Prof. Bernard Lewis
Dr. Gary Sick
South Africa
January 9, 1989
Michael Clough
Moeletsi Mbeki
February 13, 1989
Prof. Lucian Pye
Dr. Richard Solomon
March 6, 1989
Prof. Ashis Nandy
Prof. Myron Weiner
Central America
April 3, 1989
Elliot Abrams
Prof. Terry Karl
Trade, Technology,
May 12–14, 1989
Dr. Mary Good
Hiroo Kinoshita
Robert McCormack
Clyde Prestowitz
Prof. Lothar Rühl
Prof. Richard Samuels
Amb. Koji Watanabe
Prof. John Zysman |
“As a spear carrier on the Joint Staff, I found the sessions
Seminar XXI a terrific way to get an alternative view of what we
were doing in the Pentagon.”
GEN Montgomery Meigs, USA (Ret.)
Former CINC US Army, Europe
- Donald J. Banta
- Georges A. Barrabes
- Archie D. Barrett
- Robert G. Bell
- Ross A. Brown
- C. Thomas Burbage
- David W. Carey
- Joseph J. Collins
- James R. Davis
- James R. East
- Carl E. Franklin
- Robert A. Goodbary
- Richard P. Granato
- Peter Grier
- Eugene E. Habiger
- Craig N. Herget
- Galen I. Ho
- Raymond P. Huot
- Charles J. Jefferson
- Donald L. Kaufman
- John S. Kelsey
- Clifford R. Krieger
- Larry G. Lehowicz
- Barbara A. McNamara
- Montgomery C. Meigs
- Charles A. Meizner
- Donald G. Murdoch
- Patrick J. Nichols
- William J. Olson
- John Ratigan
- Harold N. Richardson
- John P. Rose
- Robert B. Rosenkranz
- Alan L. Ross
- Larry S. Schmidt
- Larry Seaquist
- Pamela J.H. Slutz
- Don M. Snider
- Peter R. Stenner
- John B. Stewart, Jr.
- Frank A. Tapparo
- Thomas C. Waskow
- Michael O. Wheeler
- Emily B. Willey
- Herbert P. Woodward
- Karl E. Wycoff