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AMM&NS Research

Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems

Programme Co-Chairs

Prof Choi Wee Kiong (Singapore)
Prof Carl V Thompson (MIT)

Flagship Research

The performance and functionality expansion of future microsystems will be increasingly based on the insertion of new materials and nanostructures on the silicon technology platform. The AMM&NS Flagship Research Project (FRP) focuses on 'nanotechnology on a silicon platform', which includes:

The current interest in nanotechnology is driven by the vision that such disruptive technology will lead to the production of devices and systems with outstanding properties and performance. These high expectations rely on the development of novel nanomaterials whose unique characteristics-from low-threshold lasing to ballistic conduction-will empower innovative application across disparate fields. In particular, nanomaterials will be the central components in the next generation of electronic integrated devices.

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While great progress has been made in the synthesis and characterisation of these materials, we are at a point where it is almost impossible to predict which material (or material class) will become the dominant player in the future generation of electronic devices, if there will be one at all. It is even more difficult to predict whether silicon—a material that currently dominates the technology and sets the fabrication standards—will evolve as an active electronic component, or will become the structural platform for new generations of nanodevices. This "battle" will ultimately be decided on materials' properties, production costs, and processing conditions. Very little has been done in developing strategies for the fabrication of complex devices based on nanomaterials, and we see a window of opportunity for innovation. There is now a strategic need for research to move from material characterisation to device and system fabrication. It is conceivable that the results generated by this research will ultimately determine which material will dominate the future nanotechnology market.

Here we outline our plan to develop novel fabrication methods to deliver arrays of nanomaterials spaced and placed at lithographic and sub-lithographic length scales on silicon wafers. A key requirement for our fabrication strategies is to have high scalability and applicability to multiple materials. We will not focus on a single device or material, but will instead introduce and develop broad methodologies. Our research will lead to the creation of:

  1. Trained professionals with unique leading expertise that will be central to the electronic market of the future;
  2. Discoveries that will accelerate the transition to nanotechnology, and;
  3. Key Intellectual Property achievements with the potential of providing an advantageous strategic position to their owners.
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Inter-University Research

Inter-University Research Projects (IUP) support the research of collaborative teams supervising PhD students. IUP projects are related to the Flagship Research (FRP), but are however more broadly focused on Enabling Materials Science and Technology for Nanosystems.

The current IUP projects are:

Industry Partners

Institute for Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
Institute of Microelectronics (IME)
Data Storage Institute (DSI)

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