This round is presented as a dungeon map, with several colored dungeon cells and links to puzzles in eight of the cells. Each of the answers in this round is six letters long, and if you write them contiguously into the dungeon map starting at the cells linking to each puzzle, there is only one way to fill in the map.
Looking at the shapes each answer takes on when filled into the map, solvers will notice that they are all cube nets, meaning each answer can be folded into a three-dimensional cube. These eight cubes can then be combined into a 2×2×2 cube by matching faces that contain the same letter. (Colored faces are solving aids; the solution is unique without the colors, but they allow the meta to be solved without all eight answers and reinforce the matching idea.)
Once the 2×2×2 cube has been assembled, one face contains the letters in DOWN, and the opposite face contains the letters UPUP, indicating the proper orientation of the cube. Reading around the cube from the top left corner of one of the faces is the answer FERMAT’S LOST SERUM, which prevents cubes from combining into a larger cube.