There are eight merchants, each looking to buy five items. This matches with the forty items you can acquire from quests. The five items each set a merchant wants share a property, and each set can be ordered. Match each item with the number in that box for the merchant, then extract that letter from the item name. The extracted letters read SELL THIS USELESS JUNK AND GO ON A SHOPPING SPREE. When solvers submit this answer, they receive six new items in exchange for their current inventory.
Merchant | Items | |||||||||||||||
Facetious Frank Frank’s items each contain a single vowel repeated five times, ordered by the vowel. |
Suitable Sarah Sarah’s items each display a different suit from a deck of cards (including joker), ordered by the number of items of the suit displayed. |
Little Larry Larry’s items each include an SI prefix for a negative power of ten across the word break, ordered from 10-3 to 10-15. |
Star-Crossed Steve Steve’s items each have a hidden zodiac symbol in their picture and are ordered from Aquarius to Gemini. |
Holy Hannah Hannah’s items each contain one of the first five books of the Bible, ordered from Genesis to Deuteronomy. |
Mourning Mike Mike’s items each contain a stage of grief, ordered from denial to acceptance. |
Flag-Bearing Flo Flo’s items each have a semaphore letter in their graphic, ordered from A to E. |
Musical Maria Maria’s items each start and end with a solfège note, ordered from do to sol. |