The animation shows various “firsts,” along with the enumeration of the desired answer—the person/place that is credited with the particular first. In video order, these are:
First | Answer | Year |
Drive-in movie theater | CAMDEN, NJ | 1933 |
Woman to swim the English Channel | Gertrude EDERLE | 1926 |
Calculation of the circumference of the Earth | ERATOSTHENES | c. 240 BC |
Person on the cover of People magazine | Mia FARROW | 1974 |
(Non-sherpa) to summit Mt. Everest | Sir Edmund HILLARY | 1953 |
Musical guest on Saturday Night Live | Janis IAN | 1975 |
Person crowned Tsar of Russia | IVAN IV | 1547 |
Animal to orbit the Earth | LAIKA | 1957 |
Flying trapeze act | Jules LEOTARD | 1859 |
Electronic cigarette (inventor of) | Hon LIK | 2003 |
State to legalize same-sex marriage | MASSACHUSETTS | 2004 |
Novel (author of) | MURASAKI | 11th century |
Parking meters | OKLAHOMA CITY | 1935 |
Reordering these events chronologically, the first letters spell EMILE COHL FILM.
Emile Cohl created the first animated film, FANTASMAGORIE (which is the answer to this puzzle).