Images related to Raise the Red Lantern, a feature film directed by Zhang Yimou

Gong Li as Song Lian (Lotus), Chen's fourth mistress
Song Lian (Lotus) and her maid wait at the gate of their courtyard for the lantern in a ritualistic setting.
Having lost the favor of Chen (and thereby losing the privilege of receiving foot massage), Song Lian (Lotus) asks her maid to imitate the ritual of giving her a foot massage.
Song Lian (Lotus) sitting on the bed in her chamber with all red lanterns lit to celebrate her pregnancy.

(Left) Red lanterns at the Chen family compound.

(Right) Song Lian (Lotus) feigns pregnancy to court Chen's favor.

The Qiao family compound where Raise the Red Lantern was filmed. Click on the image for enlarged view.
The roof of the second courtyard Qiao family compound where Raise the Red Lantern was filmed. Click on the image for enlarged view.
A narrow alleyway and the southern wall in the Qiao family compound. Click on the image for enlarged view.
The clock tower, where Chen's third mistress is hanged for her adulterous affair with the family doctor. Click on the image for enlarged view.
Glowing red lanterns in the Chen family compound.
The tower building where Song Lian (Lotus) and the third mistress meet and exchange views on the Chen's family rituals.
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