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Sima Qian, "The Biography of Jing Ke, Assasin," Grand Historian's Record
Peter C. Perdue (MIT), "China in the Early Modern World"
Making of a Hero, Time Asia Magazine's website dedicated to the film Hero
Richard Corliss, "In the Mood for Swordplay," a review of Hero
Susan Jakes, "Playing Safe," a review of Hero
Shelly Kraicer "Absence as spectacle: Zhang Yimou's Hero," Cinema Scope Magazine vol: 5, Issue: 1, (issue 14; Spring 2003), p. 9
Illustrations and English Outline of Monkey King
Biography of Xuanzang, the famous Buddhist monk on which the novel Monkey King is based
Michael Pratt, "Review: A Chinese Ghost Story"
Pu Songling, "The Magical Sword," the story on which the film A Chinese Ghost Story is based upon
Pu Songling, "The Painted Skin"
James Berardinelli, "Review: Raise the Red Lantern"
Mary Farquhar, "Zhang Yimou," Senses of Cinema
Jann Parry, "Madame Mao Would Hate It: In Its Gory Glory, Raise the Red Lantern Is a Brutal Portrait of China's Recent History," The Observer (The Guardian)
Study Questions for Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines" on which the film Raise the Red Lantern is based
Lu Xun, "A Madman's Diary "
Lu Xun, "The True Story of Ah Q"
Lu Xun, "Kung I-Ji"
Lu Xun, "Medicine"
Lu Xun, "Medicine [Yao] - Chinese original" (with annotations)
Lao She, "Brother You Takes Office"
Lao She, "Dr. Mao"
Lao She, "Black Li and White Li"
Lao She, "The Eyeglasses"
Mao Dun, "The Shop of the Lin Famliy"
Review of Qian Zhongshu's Fortress Besieged, an intricately cracted comic picaresque novel
Qian Zhongshu, Weicheng [Fortress Besieged] - Chinese original
Edwin Jahiel, "Review: Zhang Yimou's Happy Times"
Ang Lee, Taiwan's Acclaimed Moviemaker
Yinshi Nu, "Review: Eat Drink Man Woman," New York Times

A Chinese Text Sampler: An Annotated Collection of Digitized Chinese Texts for Students of Chinese Language and Literature (David Porter, University of Michigan)

MCLC: Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Online Resource Center (Ohio Sate University)
Full Texts of Chinese Literary Works in English Translation (Beijing Foreign Language Press)
Biography of the Nobel Laureate, Gao Xingjian
Review of Chen Kaige's Together (Michelle Meier)
A Review of "A Chinese Ghost Story" on Kungfu Cinema
Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle
Pu Songling's Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
Tsui Hark's A Chinese Ghost Story
Zhang Yimou's Hero
  Readings in the Original Language (Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters)
Lu Xun, "The True Story of Ah Q" (traditioanl Chinese)
Lu Xun, "The True Story of Ah Q" (simplified Chinese)
Lu Xun, "A Madman's Diary" (traditional Chinese)
Lu Xun, "A Madman's Diary" (simplified Chinese)
Lao She, "Grand Opening" (traditional Chinese)
Lao She, "Grand Opening" (simplified Chinese)
Lao She, "Dr. Mao" (traditional Chinese)
Lao She, "Dr. Mao" (simplified Chinese)
Lao She, "Brother Yu Takes Office" (traditional Chinese)
Lao She, "Brother Yu Takes Office" (simplified Chinese)

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