Links to Chinese, Taiwanese, & Hong Kong Literary & Visual Cultures

Chinese Pronunciation Guide with Audio Clips (Harvard University)
How to Pronounce Chinese
Lu Xun: Father of Modern Chinese Literature (Tim Gallaher, University of Southern California)
Ah Q Performance Project (including the full text of "Ah Q") (UCLA)
Transnational China Project (Baker Institute, Rice University)
A History of China by Leon Poon
Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (Leiden University)
Internet Resources on Chinese History (Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg)
A Guide to China Studies edited by Hanno Lecher
China Links, a list of useful websites on China, its language and culture
Rutgers University Multimedia Chinese Teaching System, a computer based multimedia curriculum to supplement 1st, 2nd, & 3rd year Chinese language instruction
National Museum of Taiwanese Literature
Image Archives: Advertising Culture in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, & Singapore, Rice University
Chinese Character Dictionary
Multiple-Search-Method Chinese Dictionary
Taiwan Multimedia Gallery by the Taiwan Government Information Office
Chinese Studies WWW Virtual Library, the University of Melbourne East Asian Collection
Annotated Directories of Internet Resources for East Asian Languages & Cultures by Robert Eng, University of Redland
Chinese Cinema by Shaoyi Sun
Chinese Cinema by Shelly Kraicer
Shakespeare in China by John Gillies and Li Ruru
Agenda Asia, Asian studies conferences, workshops, and seminars online
Modern Chinese Literature Links, complied by the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden & Amsterdam, the Netherlands
European Association of Chinese Studies, a website hosted by the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
Discover Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tourism Board
New Taiwan: Ilha Formosa, Taiwan's History Present and Future
Pan-Asia Film Review Archive, Ross Chen
Kungfu Cinema (An English-language, martial arts film site on the web averaging 150,000 readers monthly based in Seattle. It features reviews of new and classic martial arts-related movies from around the world and offer the latest news on upcoming projects. The site also features interviews with some of the hottest talent in the international action film industry.)

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