New Turnkey Project-Based Learning Resources for High School STEM Teachers

July 6, 2020
MIT BLOSSOMS, an international education initiative founded in 2008 to encourage high school STEM teachers to pursue more active, student-centered learning, has recently enlarged its focus to support those teachers in moving to Project-Based Learning. The first five MIT BLOSSOMS PBL units can be found at: Each of these units is developed to provide a teacher with all the resources and scaffolding needed to lead a three to five-week classroom project.

A tipping point in the high school-to-college system: Op-Ed

June 3, 2019
We adults are evaluated by our resumes, summary reports of our professional accomplishments. There is no formula for the successful applicant. Employers often look beyond averages, applauding an applicant’s exceptional past performances in areas of passionate interest. The adult candidate warrants the resume’s truthfulness, as any fabrications discovered are grounds for dismissal. Why don’t we evaluate college applicants as we evaluate adults applying to jobs? Why don’t we treat 18-year-olds as responsible adults?

The Explosion of Video in the Classroom

March 1, 2019
According to Kaltura’s fifth annual “State of Video in Education” report, video usage in the classroom by K-12 teachers is robust, with 56% of those polled stating that the majority of teachers are incorporating video for teaching and learning uses, specifically as supplemental material and student assignments. Further, the Kaltura report states that the rising generation is far more video-savvy than previous generations, thus it makes sense that teachers would see video as an obvious way to engage their students.

New BLOSSOMS Initiative Will Introduce Teachers to Project-based Learning and Global Learning

September 25, 2018
MIT BLOSSOMS is moving in a new direction, to provide high school teachers with the resources they will need to feel comfortable and confident in giving Project-based Learning (PBL) a try. Polls show that many teachers would like to use PBL as a way to truly engage their students and teach them 21st Century skills. However, most teachers are hesitant to try PBL since it’s not how they were taught and also because they don’t have the tools or training to get started.

BLOSSOMS Developing Blended Teacher Professional Learning Video Series to Assist Teachers in Adopting the Next Generation Science Standards

September 25, 2018
BLOSSOMS has received funding to develop five Blended Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) modules that can be used by districts and schools in states across the country that have signed on to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Many teachers we have met in these states agree that the new standards will greatly improve overall science education. Unfortunately, they also believe that they have not received adequate training to incoorporate these standards into their lessons.

How to Channel STEM-Mania Into Real Learning

September 6, 2017

MIT BLOSSOMS Embarks on Global Connected Learning Initiative

June 6, 2017
BLOSSOMS is partnering with the Technion’s Learning Technologies Group to develop, implement and evaluate a model for technology-enhanced project-based learning (PBL) that will promote social constructivist teaching, scientific thinking and motivation towards STEM-related careers.

New Lesson on Amount of Substance and Mole Completes BLOSSOMS Teaching Unit for Chemistry Classes

May 8, 2017
The mole concept pervades all of chemistry. Since most quantitative chemical calculations are based on this concept, an understanding of the mole is essential to the study of chemistry. A new BLOSSOMS lesson is designed to help students understand this difficult concept by using concrete models/examples and analogies that are familiar to the students and by conducting simple and fun activities.

Low-Tech, High-Impact: MIT learning program challenges edtech assumptions

May 5, 2017

MIT partners with charter on resources for STEM video lessons

May 5, 2017
MIT is no stranger to providing resources to K-12 either, as the edX MOOC platform, produced by scientists from the school and peers at Harvard, has also worked to scale AP access to underserved high school students

To Motivate STEM Students, Ask Them Better Questions

March 27, 2017

KP students use science on Brady saga

March 12, 2017

MIT Program Seeks To Engage High School Students Using Video Content

March 6, 2017

MIT Professor creates online lesson to show the science behind Deflategate

January 19, 2017

Video Invites Teachers to Turn 'Deflategate' Into STEM Lesson

January 19, 2017

MIT professor brings Deflategate to high school classrooms

January 18, 2017

An MIT professor is teaching high schoolers why Deflategate was a farce

January 18, 2017

MIT BLOSSOMS – An Unprecedented Learning Opportunity

September 12, 2016
By Keshav Gupta


June 15, 2016
Reported by Richard Larson

Great Fun For All Visitors to BLOSSOMS at MIT’s Under-the-Dome Celebration

April 27, 2016
Richard C. Larson, Principal Investigator, MIT BLOSSOMS

Two Winning Concepts Selected in BLOSSOMS IAP Student Contest

February 15, 2009
A great time was had by all on January 16th when seven finalists in the BLOSSOMS student IAP contest came together to present their concepts and designs for a BLOSSOMS interactive learning module. Two winning submissions were selected, including one entitled ‘”The Flaws of Averages” by Dan Livengood and Ronda Jordan of the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) and the second entitled “Introduction to Cryptography” by Dan Sturtevant, also of ESD.

LINC Signs Memorandum of Understanding

February 9, 2009
On January 24th in Lahore, Pakistan, LINC Director, Professor Richard Larson, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Punjab Province and with the Virtual University of Pakistan. The objective of this MOU is “to collaborate in making available global best practice in technology-enabled education to all public sector schools in the province of Punjab through the MIT BLOSSOMS Initiative (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies)”.

BLOSSOMS Initiative Kicks Off in Pakistan

February 9, 2009
In late January, 2009, BLOSSOMS Principle Investigator, Professor Richard Larson, and BLOSSOMS Project Manager, Elizabeth Murray, visited Lahore, Pakistan to meet with Pakistani partners in the initiative. They were hosted by BLOSSOMS Project Manager in Pakistan, Dr. Naveed Malik, Rector of the Virtual University there. During the visit, Prof. Larson and Ms. Murray signed an MOU with the government of the Punjab Province (See above). They also visited the Lahore University of Science and Management, Punjab University and the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences where Prof.

Hewlett Foundation Board Approves the LINC Initiative, BLOSSOMS

November 24, 2008
The Hewlett Foundation Board approved the LINC initiative, BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies). The vision of this project is to begin to develop a large, free repository of educational video modules for high school math and science classes, created by gifted teachers from around the world and seeded initially by MIT faculty members and by partnering educators in Jordan and Pakistan.

MIT Team Launches High-School University Education Project in Jordan

November 24, 2008
MIT Professors Richard Larson and Walter Lewin were in Jordan during the week of November 10th launching a new MIT initiative, Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies (BLOSSOMS), a joint international partnership of educators from the U.S., Jordan and Pakistan. The project is a direct outgrowth of MIT LINC 2007, an international educational conference held by MIT last October at the Dead Sea, with Her Majesty Queen Rania the official Patron.