APA--One Work by Three, Four or Five Authors

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One Work by Three, Four or Five Authors

List all the last names the first time a reference to the work appears, placing a comma and a space after each name. Place an ampersand (&) before the last name in parenthetical material. When including the names in the text, use the word and.

One method (Nelson, Miller, Lutz, & Fayer, 1982) optically excites and monitors coherent acoustic waves in transparent or light-absorbing liquids and solids.

Nelson, Miller, Lutz, and Fayer (1982) developed a method of optically exciting and monitoring coherent acoustic waves in transparent or light-absorbing liquids and solids.

Pulse-length-induced extra resonances arise in transient-grating experiments when the laser pulses are short enough that a steady state cannot be achieved during the excitation process (Farces, Tribuna, Dugal, & Fayer, 1993).

In subsequent references, give only the first author's name followed by "et al." (Note: Do not underline or italicize this Latin abbreviation for "and others.")

The method developed by Nelson et al. (1982) allows the selection of any propagation direction in anisotropic materials.

In anisotropic materials any propagation direction can be selected (Nelson et al., 1982).

Farces et al. (1993) have demonstrated that extra resonances, such as those caused in frequency-domain nonlinear wave mixing by pure dephasing or laser fluctuations, can also be induced by operation in the time domain.

Recent research (Farces et al., 1993) demonstrated that extra resonances, such as those caused in frequency-domain nonlinear wave mixing by pure dephasing or laser fluctuations, can also be induced by operation in the time domain.

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## APA: One Work/Three Authors ##
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