Page Format
- Title: References (centered).
- Ordering of entries: Arrange in alphabetical order by first author's last name; then
in chronological order, earliest items first; then in alphabetical order by title. List all
single-author entries before multiple-author entries beginning with the same author's
name. Do not number entries.
- Spacing: Double-space both within and between entries.
- Indentation: Indent the first line five to seven spaces
or one default tab (approximately one-half inch). Note: This is the APA's specification for manuscripts submitted for its
publications. Before formatting a final draft, consider whether your instructor or
other audience prefers a different indentation. Materials actually published by the
APA, for example, have a hanging indentation--that is, the first line of each entry is
flush left and the subsequent lines are indented.
## APA: Page Format ##
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