Section 3.5.2
In one or more appendixes, include materials that are not essential parts of your main text but
that will provide useful reference information to readers
seeking more detail.
The following list presents some typical material that is often included in an appendix.
Guidelines for Appendixes
- Avoid using appendixes as dumping grounds for raw data that you will be unable
to incorporate in the body of the paper.
- If you have more than one appendix, use letters to label them (Appendix
A, Appendix B, and so forth).
- Give each appendix an appropriate title.
- Place one specific kind of information in each appendix.
- Begin each appendix on a new page.
- If appropriate, identify and summarize the contexts of an appendix in a short
summary paragraph.
- Refer to each appendix in the body of the document.
Appendixes ##
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