List of Installed Files for Macintosh
In all of the following, if the file or folder already exists, it will be updated to our version, and
update only if our version is newer.
At root of startup drive:
- Mayfield Handbooks folder
Note: The user can choose to install this anywhere. This is the only location choice for installation
the user gets.
In the Mayfield Handbooks folder:
- Configure Mayfield application for setting user preferences
- Technical Writing Handbook folder
In the Technical Writing Handbook folder:
- Top Links (Microsoft Word 5)
- Top Links (Microsoft Word 6)
- Top Links (WordPerfect)
Note: the above files are all (editable) word processing document files in the formats indicated by
the file names.
Note: This folder and its contents get installed only if the user chooses the Easy (Full) installation
In the Handbook folder:
- 725 htm, gif and jpeg files
- homenn.htm, a renamed copy of home.htm, with the MHT&SW icon, set to launch
Netscape when double-clicked
- homeir.htm, a renamed copy of home.htm, with the MHT&SW icon, set to launch
Internet Explorer when double-clicked
- Mayfield.lnk, the file used by the View and Create applets to map reference link text
to the actual html files
In System Folder:Preferences folder:
- Mayfield Preferences folder
- KeyQuencer Preferences folder
In System Folder:Preferences:Mayfield Preferences folder:
- Mayfield prefs, the prefs file used by the applets to know preferred browser, word
processor, and path to HTML files of the Handbook
- Open Handbook AppleScript applet, a small run-only AS application invoked by the
Open Handbook macro
- Create Comment AppleScript applet, a small run-only AS application invoked by the
Create Comment macro
- Create Handbook Link AppleScript applet. a small run-only AS application invoked
by the Create Handbook Link macro
- View Handbook Link AppleScript applet. a small run-only AS application invoked
by the View Handbook Link macro
- GetUserPrefs, a run-only AS script called by the other scripts (called only if the user
has changed his preferences using Configure Mayfield application)
In System Folder:Preferences:KeyQuencer Preferences folder:
- KeyQuencer Macros, a KQ suitcase file containing the 4 Mayfield macros, with their
key combination assignements
Note: If a file by this name exists, it will be renamed to "KeyQuencer Macros Copy" so the user can
re-integrate his own macros.
In System Folder:Extensions folder:
In System Folder:
- KeyQuencer Extensions folder
Note: To maintain compatability with users who already have KQ, we install our few pieces we use
in the hierarchy used by the standard KQ installation. That hierarchy is as follows:
Automation folder
Drag file
Key file
Window file
Clipboard Folder
Clipbaoard file
Conditionals folder
WaitApp file
WaitUpdates file
WaitWindow file
Processes folder
Open file
Special folder
Repeat file
Utilities folder
Message file
Note: all of the above files are the KQ files to carry out the commands used by the Mayfield macros.
In System Folder:Extensions:Scripting Additions:
- Jon's Commands
- KeyQuencer Links
- Find Link
- Process Is Running
Note: the above 4 files are all scripting additions that extend the AppleScript language and are all
used by the applets installed in the Mayfield Preferences folder.
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