Section 13.4.2
Important Information in the Main Clause
When writing a sentence, you need to decide whether the information you are
including should be expressed in a main clause or
in a dependent clause. Here are some guidelines to
help you.
- Put the most important information of the sentence, the information
that the sentence is about, into the main clause.
- Put information that is less important, information that is included
to provide background or tie together
the ideas in a paragraph, into a dependent clause:
Jupiter has an enormous size and gravity [background],
and so the Galileo probe steadily gained velocity as it approached the
planet [main point].
Because Jupiter has an enormous size and gravity
[background], the Galileo probe steadily gained velocity as it
approached the planet [main point].
--"Halo Nuclei," Scientific American (modified)
- Once you have decided which clauses to put the information in,
remember that a sentence may begin with either a main clause or a
dependent clause. For how to order the main and dependent clauses,
see Old before New.
## Ordering of Important Information ##
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